View Full Version : Idiots cannot vote in NM

The Fuzz
11-03-2004, 11:44 PM
I was just doing some research for something and I came across this interesting tidbit. Maybe it is just late and I have been reading too much today, but I just about died laughing. This could explain a lot if they aren`t really enforcing this law. :lmfao



Article VII. Elective Franchise
Section 1. [Qualifications of voters; absentee voting; school elections; registration.]

Every citizen of the United States, who is over the age of twenty-one years, and has resided in New Mexico twelve months, in the county ninety days, and in the precinct in which he offers to vote thirty days, next preceding the election, except idiots, insane persons and persons convicted of a felonious or infamous crime unless restored to political rights, shall be qualified to vote at all elections for public officers. The legislature may enact laws providing for absentee voting by qualified electors. All school elections shall be held at different times from other elections.

11-03-2004, 11:50 PM
I was just doing some research for something and I came across this interesting tidbit. Maybe it is just late and I have been reading too much today, but I just about died laughing. This could explain a lot if they aren`t really enforcing this law. :lmfaoHey Fuzz, the real reason is that all the idiots are either running for office or already elected.:)


11-03-2004, 11:58 PM
It is funny how many of the laws on the books are so non-Politically Correct (didn`t want anyone to think I was referring to Porter Cable by using PC). Personally I think we`ve taken the whole PC thing way too far, but when you see examples like this you do realize how the whole thing got started.

I be any voting laws written before 1960 have very similar language. The intent was to prevent people that were mentally retarded from voting...as Charles pointed out now they`re running for office.

11-03-2004, 11:58 PM
You`re right, that is interesting - I wonder how many other states ban "idiots" from voting in elections?:dunno

Another interesting note - that was "adopted" January 21, 1911, but NM was not admitted as the 47th state in the union until a year later on January 6, 1912. If there had been an election in the intervening year, how many "New Mexicans" would have been qualified to vote?

11-09-2004, 09:27 PM
You`re right, that is interesting - I wonder how many other states ban "idiots" from voting in elections?:dunno

Another interesting note - that was "adopted" January 21, 1911, but NM was not admitted as the 47th state in the union until a year later on January 6, 1912. If there had been an election in the intervening year, how many "New Mexicans" would have been qualified to vote?

That would explain how you could be in NM for 12 months and not necessarily in the country for 90 days. Had they been a state then, being in NM for 12 months ought to have qualified you to have been in the country for at least 90 days!

11-09-2004, 10:18 PM
Lot`s of Idiot`s vote in Washington state :D

11-09-2004, 11:32 PM
Someone has been hanging out on www.dumblaws.com too much. lol

Rob Tomlin
11-10-2004, 12:06 AM
Like someone else said, the intent was to prevent mentally handicapped people from voting.

You`d be surprised how many "politically incorrect" terms were used in the law in the past, including the term "```````".

The Fuzz
11-10-2004, 08:41 AM
I don`t like being politically correct. It takes all the fun out of speaking your mind. Ever read the `Politically Correct Bedtime Stories`? Now THOSE are funny stories to read. lol I think if you mean what you say, then you should be able to say it. If you don`t know who your father is and I call you a ```````, then live with it. Hey, I don`t know who your father is, so chances are good that you don`t either, right? :naughty I`m just kidding of course, but still... I`m pretty much a non-PC kind of guy. I get told to watch it all the time, but I just tell them to respect the mullet and then do what I want. :fuzz Its the joy of being The Fuzz. :bigups