View Full Version : Mothers Gold Clay bar causes marring

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11-08-2004, 09:03 PM
I used Mothers Gold clay bar for the first time today, have used clay magic and TOTL clay before, and the Mothers caused marring of the paint. It looked like I had just wetsanded with 2500 grit paper. It was a brand new bar so I have not Idea why it would do that. I used the lube that was included in the box. After I polished with DACP it looked great but I`ve never had clay do that before.

Has anyone else had the same expirence with this clay? Thanks.

11-08-2004, 09:07 PM
That`s strange. Sure you didn`t get some crap caught in the bar, then rubbed it all over the paint? That`s the only way I could see a clay bar scratching.

11-08-2004, 09:10 PM
Mothers is my favorite clay and I have never had a marring problem with it. Probably user error.

11-09-2004, 02:18 AM
I`ve never had a problem with Mothers. Their clay and Zaino clay is the same. I recently tried Blackfire clay and it was an excellent product, too.

11-09-2004, 05:59 AM
I also have used Mothers clay and its been flawless.

joburnet, can you give us any more details as to how you used it? Did you kneed it well?

What colour is your paint?

Did you use the previous clays on the same paint?

11-09-2004, 07:01 AM
I`m without incident to date and Mothers is the only one I use. I hope you didn`t drop it on the ground and then reuse it. Cut it into 1/3`s when you open the box the first time, then you have 2 "spares" in case it does hit the ground.

11-09-2004, 06:40 PM
I clayed it the exact same way that I clayed many many other cars and this is the only time that I had a problem. Usually I use QEW as lubrication, this time I used the stuff that the clay came with so maybe that is the difference.

11-10-2004, 08:46 AM
I use Motrhers and 3M clay all the time. Never had a problem with either. I use the Mothers QD as my lube for both.

11-10-2004, 10:37 AM
joburnet- That *is* unusual...since you`ve used clay before without problems I hesitate to say this :o but it just must`ve been your technique and/or the contamination.

The Mother`s clay/Showtime lube works OK for me, so I don`t think it was that in and of itself. But if your technique is somehow such that changing lube made a difference, well, OK that could be it. Or the contamination could`ve been so much more abrasive than usual that the technique *that usually works fine* dragged it across/rubbed it into the finish too much that time.

Sorta a :nixweiss but I sure wouldn`t blame you if you went back to your previous clay/lube.

11-10-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by joburnet

I clayed it the exact same way that I clayed many many other cars and this is the only time that I had a problem. Usually I use QEW as lubrication, this time I used the stuff that the clay came with so maybe that is the difference.

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question but, did you wash the car before claying? You don`t mention it in your post so figured it can`t hurt to ask as your experience with the Mother`s clay bar kit is counter to others including myself. I have been using the Mother`s kit for years with 0 problems.

11-10-2004, 11:31 AM
I also have been using it for a couple of years on several color cars including black without a problem.

11-10-2004, 01:52 PM
Car was clean, brand new piece of clay that had never been dropped, clayed it the same way as I have in the past. I`m very puzzled as well and that`s why I posted here.

There`s really not much to claying, spray the car with the lube as well as the clay, and rub the clay over the surface with very little pressure, just enough to keep the clay on the car.

My best guess is that maybe it is the paint. This car was in pretty bad condition so maybe she had it painted from an accident and they did a bad job of it. I`ll try the clay on a different car and see what happens.

the other pc
11-10-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by joburnet

...brand new piece of clay that had never been dropped... Maybe not in your possession, but...

Even very good manufacturers sometimes make mistakes. Perhaps there was some kind of incident at the factory? Did it act the same after kneading as before?

Practically all clay bars are OEM sourced rather than being manufactured by the people whose name is on the box. Perhaps Mothers got some pieces that were meant for other uses/customers?

Is the car new (to you)? Have you used other clay brands on the same car? Did it have a recent re-spray? Maybe the shooter didn`t get the hardener right and it hasn`t cured?

I don`t know, just guessing.


11-10-2004, 04:58 PM
I`ve caused marring when I got to aggressive w/ clay once

11-10-2004, 06:00 PM
I`ve used the Mothers clay exclusively for about a year. I`ve never had any problems at all, and I`ve probably used it about 20 times (not just one bar, of course). I`ve done 2 black cars and have not gotten any marring from it.

Did this car have some product on it that contained fillers and the clay removed the fillers, thus revealing slight marring that was previously hidden?