View Full Version : Non-Qualifier For The Extreme Detailing Contest

Anthony O.
11-07-2004, 03:35 PM
My niece had bought this wonderful example of "how not to care for your car" and I was going to use it in the Extreme Detailing Contest but it`s just far too gone.

It is a single stage paint BUT the hood and two front fenders have been repainted and the clear is peeling away on all those areas making any attempt at beautification and repair pointless....short of another repaint.

So I just wanted to see how the new Cyclo yellow and orange pads would work on single stage paint. I only polished the two driver side door panels and the driver rear panel.

After washing I used PG with the Cyclo yellow pads. Lifted up tons of paint. Next came Hi-Temps Magnum with Cyclo orange pads. Lots of bright red paint on the pads this time....the first go over gave me more pink paint on my pads.

I cleaned up the trim and then used Optimum Tire Gel on the trim and door handles.

Wiped it down with Optimum Car Wax and packed it up.

I really like the new pads from Cyclo and after talking with them about the drawbacks of their new velcro I am pleased to announce that they are shifting back to their old system:up

In closing alot can be done with the Cyclo and maybe next time I`ll do the other side with a rotary and see how much better (or the same) it comes out.

Oh yes.....here are some pics....:)






11-07-2004, 03:40 PM
When you picked up paint on the pads, how did you clean them? Can you get the paint out of the pads?

Anthony O.
11-07-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by White95Max

When you picked up paint on the pads, how did you clean them? Can you get the paint out of the pads?

They clean up easily IF you get to them right away. I usually remove them from the Cyclo and then rinse them out. Squeeze out the excess water and place them back on the Cyclo for a spin dry and then go back to work.

Leaving the paint and/or product in the pads is bad as the chemicals can start to eat away at the pads materials, thus shortening its life.


11-07-2004, 04:23 PM
Turned out OK, considering everything, huh?

What`s the story on the new yellow pads? How do they compare with the older Cyclo yellow cutting pads? I`d heard about the orange ones, but not about any changes in the yellow.

Bill D
11-07-2004, 04:26 PM
I`m real interested in the pads. Guess I`ll look for them over on TOL

Anthony O.
11-07-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Turned out OK, considering everything, huh?

What`s the story on the new yellow pads? How do they compare with the older Cyclo yellow cutting pads? I`d heard about the orange ones, but not about any changes in the yellow.

They are now about a half or full inch shorter than the older yellow pads.

They are now more forgiving and are a tad more aggressive than the orange pads.

The problem again with these is that the velcro edge is as large as the pad itself thus causing one pad to cut into the other pad while on the Cyclo. Cyclo people tell me though that this is being fixed:up

I hope to soon have some new proto-type Cyclo pads to test out and am pretty excited about them. I may debut them, if they work, on the detailing DVD we now hope to have done in the Spring:nixweiss


11-07-2004, 05:06 PM

What is your opinion of the Cyclo? I am really struggling, wanting to get one, but not sure I should drop the dime yet.

I have a rotary and a PC. My complaint with the rotary is that there is usually a big mess when I use it, so I need to tape, etc. Is the Cyclo powerful enough to do away with most of my rotary use?



Anthony O.
11-07-2004, 08:12 PM

I would not make the claim that the Cyclo will replace the rotary but it is far more powerful that the PC.

It can best be said that the Cyclo compliments the rotary. Lets say that you have a car that needs to be leveled. You can level it with a wool or orange cutting pad and it just might be possible to put the rotary down after that and finish it out with the Cyclo. It just depends on your use of pads and products.

Hope that helps,


11-07-2004, 11:14 PM
Huge improvement, Anthony. I have been putting the borrowed cyclo to good use. I`m probably going to end up getting one. I may look on EBay and see if any used ones are available and get it serviced so it is good to go. Or I may just pop for a new one. :nixweiss

Bobby G
11-08-2004, 07:09 AM

I would not rule it out from the contest. The contest is about the biggest improvement, not the most perfect car.

I think you have a good entry.


11-08-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by SamIam

... My complaint with the rotary is that there is usually a big mess when I use it, so I need to tape, etc.

As Anthony said, there are jobs that are too much for the Cyclo, when you really *need* the rotary, well, you need it. But like you, I often can`t spend time taping and when the garage is full of vehicles I can`t risk splatter going everywhere (yeah, I still get some :o ). I use the Cyclo more than the rotary and PC combined, by far. Serious paint correction on factory Audi clear, nope- use a rotary. Minor marring on most cars, maybe...try the Cyclo first.

Anthony- Interesting about the new pads. Guess I`ll put off ordering any until this moves along some more.

I do sorta like the thick yellow pads though, they work great under MF bonnets. I might oughta stock up on `em....

Featuring the Cylco in your DVD might give it a huge boost in popularity :xyxthumbs

ScottWax- If you run across one of the really old Cyclos (aluminum forward handle, non-grounded plug) let me know ;)