View Full Version : Im going to kill my wife.....

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11-07-2004, 03:24 PM
A few weeks ago, as some of you may have seen in the click and brag section, I did the full winterize detail on my wife`s car. Clayed, UPP, Tropi-Care TC3x2 and topped it off with a coat of Collinite 476.

So yesterday, while I`m at the gym, my wife decides she wants to wash her car. She grabs the bottle of Dawn I had stuck WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY in the back of my detailing products, bypassing Tropi-Care CAR WASH and Meguiars Gold CAR WASH and proceeds to wash the car with the Dawn.

I`m going to go sit in a corner now and rock for a while but I needed to vent.

11-07-2004, 03:28 PM
Needs a label on the Dawn bottle with large lettering:

"Do not use for Car Wash!"

11-07-2004, 03:37 PM
Throw the Dawn away. If you don`t use it in the kitchen I would chunk it. :)

11-07-2004, 04:02 PM
Aww, man, dunno what to tell you `cept that I feel for you. She probably thought she was helping you out too. :(

Thanks for posting, I think a lot of people on these boards will now take precautions so that their s/o doesn`t do the same. "bypassing Tropi-Care CAR WASH and Meguiars Gold CAR WASH and proceeds to wash the car with the Dawn."--that really hurts...

Big Leegr
11-07-2004, 04:09 PM
But Wait!...... Isn`t Collinite "Detergent Proof"? Maybe you`re still ok?

11-07-2004, 04:11 PM
I`d just explain the wash thing (what to use, how to do it, etc.) to her. Look on the bright side- there are plenty of spouses who aren`t interested in helping with such stuff.

The Dawn might not have even stripped everything off. It sure doesn`t remove 476S for me, so I think you`ll be pleasantly surprised. I wouldn`t expect you to need anything more than another quick coat of the Collinite, and even that probably isn`t really necessary.

Heh heh, time spent educating family members and friends about car care is time well spent, for all sorts of reasons ;)

11-07-2004, 04:27 PM
Hey, at least she didn`t use a green kitchen scrubber.

11-07-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by BigLeegr

But Wait!...... Isn`t Collinite "Detergent Proof"? Maybe you`re still ok?

I actually wondered about that. Car still felt really slick.. I`d never have known about the Dawn thing but I was running my hang along the paint and I thought "Man, this is slick" and I asked her what it was and then was like "What the heck??!!" (Not really but what the f is censored here)

In a lemons to lemonade moment, however, I decided it would become my rolling test bed for Optimum Spray Wax. Already went outside and put a coat on the car.

11-07-2004, 05:39 PM
well hopefully the collinite isnt 100% removed as everyone else stated, and also, hopefully your wife used a good technique as to not put in any swirls... i know how long it takes to do a good detail especially on your own car, and id be frustrated as hell if i were you.. good luck tho.

11-07-2004, 06:12 PM
I wouldn`t take it out her for such a mistake. Obviously she meant well if she wanted to keep her car clean, and it definately shows that she appreciates the work that you had put into it before.

Dawn probably seems reasonable to many "non-enthusiasts", as it is what they readily reach for whenever they have any type of cleaning needs. Most people just do not realize that it will cause more harm that it will benefit an automotive surface.

To rectify the situation, I would kindly explain to your wife why Dawn is not a good car wash. It would be helpful to explain to her that using a quality auto shampoo will be more beneficial to her car in the long-run and it will definately make the surface look much better than compared to Dawn!


11-07-2004, 06:22 PM
Easy man. It`s not a big deal.

Just give it a wash (20-min) and a of wax (15-min) and it`s back to where it was before. The Dawn probably didn`t even remove the entire coat of wax anyway. When I used it back a couple of years ago when I first started with Zaino, it would take 2 or 3 washes to remove a fresh coat of wax.

Seriously though, that`s some pretty strong language there. I can`t think of anything that my fiance could do to a car that would illicit such a strong response. Hell, if she used a shovel to take the snow off ... I`d laugh and just think how silly she was!

11-07-2004, 06:24 PM
Oh yeah, since she reached for it first...

Let me guess, she does the dishes in the household. She probably reached for it since she`s familiar with it!

tom p.
11-07-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Rainbow

Throw the Dawn away.

Dump the Dawn. They`re much more effective wax strippers when you need it ;)

Did you see this thread entitled:

My wife wants to kill me (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46300) :D

11-07-2004, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by paco

Just give it a wash (20-min) and a of wax (15-min) and it`s back to where it was before.

Guess you must not have used Collinite before. You might get one panel done in 15 minutes. Plus, it`s an SUV :(

Anyway, its not that big a deal and I didn`t beat my wife or anything over it. Just went out and put some Optimum Spray Wax on the vehicle and that will have to do for the winter, unless we get another nice day here.

11-07-2004, 06:49 PM
My guess is she probably diluted it as she would have if she were washing dishes. So probably it wasn`t strong enough to remove much wax. You have to use Dawn at a pretty high concentration to remove very much wax. Even at a strong concentration it would take several washings to remove all of your wax.

I don`t agree with Collinite`s claim that it is detergent proof. It might last longer than most other carnaubas, but it`s still going to be gone in 2-3 months no matter what detergent you use. Another coat of Collinite is the worst you`ll need.