View Full Version : caranubas over zaino?

11-04-2004, 09:59 PM
well i tried to put some caranuba waxes over zaino to see if it will make a difference. i left one side of the hood zainoed and applied megs nxt wax and then topped it with megs 16 caranuba and the whole hood looks the same. is this normal or should i be seeing any difference? would i get different results if the car wasnt zainoed and is it because zaino gives it the most gloss and it cant get any more reflective? i like the wet look but i also love the protection of zaino. any other options i should try?

11-04-2004, 10:02 PM
Sometimes it takes a while for carnauba to setup. I never noticed much of a difference when topping Zaino, though.

It`s all personal preference.

11-04-2004, 10:03 PM
You would have to ask some others that have tried it. IMO if you mix media with a synthetic and a carnauba, you may compromise the brilliant resolution a pure carnauba could obtain. But that is my opinion based on what I`ve seen, so the best thing for you to do is to try it on your own and see if the result ends up what you were expecting.

Good luck.