View Full Version : Do you thinkI will have PROBLEMS

11-04-2004, 06:33 PM
I am thinking of trying Blackfire sealant on top # 7 pure polish, BUT I am worried About bonding issuesâ€Â¦Ãƒ¢Ã¢â€š¬Ã‚¦Do you guys think this is a good or bad combo


11-04-2004, 07:45 PM
Youll be fine.

11-05-2004, 05:07 AM
~One manâ€â„¢s opinion / observations~

It â€Ëœworksâ€â„¢ like this-

a)Polymer sealant (i.e. Blackfire) and Carnauba wax no bonding issues

b)Carnauba wax and then applying a polymer sealant, the polymer will not bond due to the oils/wax

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted [each one / teach one]

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ JonM