View Full Version : Winter Paint Protection

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10-29-2004, 10:10 AM
I am looking for a solid product to protect the paint of my black Honda Civic in the winter. What I have done from the spring is

1) MPC

2) P21S

3) S100

I would like to apply something on top of the products listed above to give the paint lasting protection throughout the winter. It will probably have to last 7 months or so. I have some Crystal Glow lying around that I tried at the beginning of the year. I read that it is long lasting but I didn`t like the finish it left on the car. I don`t suppose I can use it now because it has some cleaners in it that will remove the products above (correct?).

So if anyone can make a recommendation it would be appreciated.


10-29-2004, 10:18 AM
Collinite #476

10-29-2004, 10:46 AM
I find it so hard to get these products in Canada so can anyone suggest something in the Meguires line?

10-29-2004, 10:49 AM
Meguires #16 paste (IMO) will be your best choice.

10-29-2004, 10:50 AM
I`ll definitely check that out but what about a Meguires #20?

10-29-2004, 10:58 AM
#16 has a very crisp, clear, and reflective look and it is one of the longest lasting carnaubas. I "think" it is available in Canada...

10-29-2004, 11:10 AM
The detailing products guy that I always use can`t get a Meguires #16 but can get #20 and a product called Presta Best of Wax.

Any feedback on these?

10-29-2004, 11:33 AM
You should try contacting Collinite. They probably have a distributor in Canada. I think they have quite a few that arent on their web page. When I ordered mine, they had an unlisted ditributor that was only an hour away from me.

10-29-2004, 01:22 PM
buffer, where in Canada are you located?

Megs #16 is discontinued in Canada. You might find some old stock in some stores but they can`t get any more for you.

#20 is an excellent sealant. I use it on my wheels and door jams. Easy on and easy off and very durable. I have not seen it around for a while. I think it has also been discontinued in Canada.

There is a store in my area that sells Collinite. It is about $30.00 CDN :eek: I go over the border and get it in the U.S. for a lot cheaper. I purchased Collinite Insulator Wax for $10.00 U.S. at Carquest.

10-29-2004, 04:14 PM
7 months for anything is a long time. but instead of doing a carnauba, why not a sealent? order up some Klasse AIO and SG. the AIO with remove anything preexisting and SG will give great protection and shine.


10-29-2004, 04:26 PM
Seven months of protection is quite an unrealistic expectation, from any product..

The Klasse Twins, with a carnauba topper EVERY 8 WEEKS, might get you there... might.

10-29-2004, 05:46 PM
Where do you live in Canada?

S100/P21S is not going to give you hardly any protection in the winter. It`s marginal at best in the summer if you don`t apply it ever 4-6 weeks. Great look though when freshly applied. I still use it frequently.

The only thing that will last 7 months is Klasse and maybe Zaino and third in-line Meguiars No. 20 (depending on whether it`s garaged and how often it`s driven).

Anything else, and you`ll need to apply it at least 3-months for other sealants.


10-29-2004, 08:38 PM
Thanks for all the words of advise guys. I picked up a product from a company called Presta. The product is called Best Wax. The local prof. auto body shop tells me it will at about 6 months.

I don`t wanna come off being one of those ppl that wants something to be a miracle but its hard to wax a car in the winter so I would like get the most out of a product I can.

Thanks for all the advice and help.... Still looking for #16...


10-29-2004, 09:30 PM
Eshine.ca had the last load of #16 that was available in Canada.

Shipping is reasonable and service is very good.

10-29-2004, 11:18 PM
I just picked up some #16 at Napa/Cmax for $13.99 cdn. They had about 10 containers of it. Tried it on the hood today and it`s really easy to use, on off a section at a time just like S100.