View Full Version : SONAX Xtreme Wax 1 full protect

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10-28-2004, 07:45 AM
Has anyone ever tried "SONAX Xtreme Wax 1 full protect"? It`s the only carnauba wax you can easily get in Germany other than the - more than expensive - Swizöl wax.

Product Page (http://www.sonax.de/sonax-e/pflegetipps/loesung_lack1.html)

10-28-2004, 05:17 PM
Yeah, I`m using it currently - for the exact reasons you have.


It is really good product. You`ll find a yellow, hard wax in the tin. Smells quite solventy, but nothing serious. It`s a bit brittle, that`s why I decided to use it with the BHM (bare hand method), like Estates, Victoria, etc. Try to pick up only a tiny bit of wax, warm a bit in your palm and gently spread on the finish. You`ll be surprised how thinly it will spread! With this method, I could do a third of my Camry - using only the amount which was stuck to the lid actually! (Have you tried to wax your car homeopathically??? :D)

After maybe two minutes, I removed it with an ultrafine MF. Definite difference. It is light, gives great definition, and has great shine. Not the glow-type carnauba. It won`t darken the finish. However, it will show its best after the 3rd layer. Initial slickness is lightly grabby, satin-smooth. After curing, it is as slick as - for example - 1Z Hartglanz (Glanz Wax).

I did a comparo on a red S2000. One half of the hood is Sonax, the other is 1Z Glanz. Same bright shine, same depth, same definition, but more life on the carnauba side. Although Glanz is an excellent looking product, the Xtreme1 is just a bit better. I like both very much.

The Sonax likes its liquid counterpart too. The Liquid Xtreme has citrus-smell, and just as beautiful shine. I can not comment the durability, because I applied it (them, if you count the liquid) only a week ago. IMHO worth trying.

10-29-2004, 06:56 AM
Thank you Bence,

bought it this noon and will try it over the weekend. I don`t have much for comparison but I will try to give feedback when it`s done :)

10-29-2004, 08:39 AM
US & Canadian fellows can also try it as it is available in the States. Although not as Sonax, but under the fancier US-spec. NTS7 brand.

11-30-2004, 10:42 AM
*** Sorry guys but I had to edit this post when I found out that I had violated a few house rules :o :(

(including commercial web links and a product picture). So I corrected the situation the next day***

The SONAX Xtreme Wax 1 full protect is available in USA and Canada

We imported this product from Germany under the Jacques Villeneuve SONAX name.

We call it "Premium Carnauba Paste Wax"

Developped by SONAX in Germany for the newer paint technologies. A very cost effective paste wax with a high content of premium quality carnauba. Formulated to be able to apply only a thin film on the paintwork, it`s very easy to polish off. Only 25 ml is sufficient for most vehicles, so the 150 ml container has enough for up to 6 waxing jobs (says the label) but far more according to me... or way more than 100 for a bike... :p

The applicator is one of a kind too. Dual density, it`s easier to hold in the hand and extend the reach so you have access to the bottom of the can without problem. I would not apply it barehanded like some gfuys are writting here. Just don`t want chemicals penetrating my skin too much. I guess with very thin rubber/latex glove it could be the same if they resist to the chemicals...

We retail it in Canada for 18.99 $ CDN.

You can find it at our web site. Send me an email for the url.

In USA you can find this wax at our sister company. Send me an email for their url.

Cheers and have a great day,


Newtown Sales

Jacques Villeneuve SONAX

11-30-2004, 11:19 AM
Hi Alain!

Welcome to Autopia! I`m big fan of this carnauba, but JV as well!

As an automotive journalist, it was great to meet him personally a few times. I will never forget the `96 Hungarian GP, where after the race almost everybody was gone, and he brought a chair from somewhere, sat on in IN THE MIDDLE of the Paddock and began to tell the story of the race from his viewpoint. 15-20 journos were listening to him, without Ann Bradshaw (Williams PR lady then), no time limits! He is a great, personal, friendly guy!!! Greetings to him from Hungary! And of course, wishing him big success with the new team!

11-30-2004, 11:32 AM
I nearly forgot to give you some feedback...

The Sonax did the job, easy to apply (never tried it with bare hands before, what a pleasure :D), easy to get off, great look. I did the following after the car wash: CarLack 68, Meguiars NXT Generation Tech Wax, 2 layers of Sonax Xtreme Wax 1 full protect - very good result :) Unfortunately, I don`t have a garage for my car and as it`s winter now... I apply Meguiars NXT Generation Spray Wax every two weeks so I can`t say if it last long or not - but at least it works for me, still good protection and nice shine after applying the spray wax and it only takes 20 Minutes :) I will use the Sonax again as soon as I find the time.

Big Leegr
11-30-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Tuned_Smart

The SONAX Xtreme Wax 1 full protect is available in USA and Canada

We imported this product from Germany under the Jacques Villeneuve SONAX name.

We call it "Premium Carnauba Paste Wax"

We retail it in Canada for 18.99 $ CDN.


Newtown Sales

Jacques Villeneuve SONAX

I see it`s listed as $21.95 CDN on the site. Is there some discount code, or has the price gone up today?

Corey Bit Spank
11-30-2004, 03:01 PM
It`s not offered in the canadian tires near me :(

12-01-2004, 09:29 PM
Hi guys!

Hello Bence... thanks for the warm welcome. Yes JV is a great guy.

And we do hope he gets good results with Sauber. It would create more interest for him in Canada and help us with sales.


Hi BigLeegr!

The 21.95 CDN price shown on the website reflect the price with all taxes included. 7% GST and 8% PST (Ontario).

Cheers everyone,


Newtown Sales

Jacques Villeneuve SONAX

01-14-2006, 02:29 AM
@Bence: How`s the durability on Sonax Wax 1 full protect?

Got any pics? :)

01-14-2006, 04:43 AM
In my opinion, the durability is at least above-average. I can`t give you an exact time span because that depends mostly on environmental impacts but compared with the 7-8 other products I have tried so far, it was one of the better ones in terms of durability (and also in most of the other terms). It`s not that expensive and relatively easy to apply, so I can suggest you`ll give it a try and see yourself :)

01-14-2006, 05:11 AM
That`s good to hear, thanks. I`ll try it in the spring. It`s one o the very few quality waxes that I can find in my country.

Have you (or Bence for that matter) tried by any chance the Sonax Polish&Wax (2 or 3) ? I need a polish before I start with the wax so I was thinking about this.

01-14-2006, 09:26 AM

Welcome to Autopia! Well, it was an almost one year old post, so in the meantime I stripped it and applied new products. The wax itself is nice, but I don`t remember the durability. It beaded at the two month mark though. Worth to try especially if the situation in Romania is the same as in Ungará. We have limited products as well, but the online ordering is great! For the normal user, the phase 2 & 3 are good products as well. Sonax is one of the rare manufacturers here who offer clay. It is a Japanese Joybond clay and it works really well. Check your paint suppliers or distributors on the availability of various products. In Hungary, we can find 3M, Farécla, Auto Magic, 1Z, Riwax, Maxolen, etc. lines, so there are many products to try. From the OTC brands we have of course Turtle Wax (the dark green bottle Platinum is excellent), Sonax, CarPlan, Simoniz, Arexons, errrr... What brands do you have in Romania and where are you situated? I have relatives in Oradea.

01-14-2006, 10:14 AM
Good detailing products are also very rare here. We have some Megs Pro (like #80, 82, 82, 20 etc), some Sonax (like the Wax1, Polish&Wax, no clay unfortunately), I think a saw a Simoniz wheel cleaner somewhere, Formula1 products (carnauba wax, polish, interior cleaners), Arexons stuff plus some unknown brands that I`ve never heard of.

I managed to get Megs Quik Clay and intend to use it in the spring, decided on the wax (this one - the Sonax Wax1) and now I`m looking for some polish and maybe a sealant for later on in the year.

What sites do you use for online ordering? Many don`t ship to Romania and postage might be a problem but maybe I`ll try it.