View Full Version : Shoe cream/polish on black trim?

10-22-2004, 11:46 AM
The shoe polish I use is a thick black cream (obviously has some dye in it) and I wonder how well it would work on black rubber auto trim. It`s a Kiwi product, but a thick cream, not their thin liquid which would make a mess.

The handy container has a small foam applicator as well...should I give it a try? My RX-7 trim has 2 faded spots that didn`t stand up to the re-paint a couple years back.

10-22-2004, 12:07 PM
Rotary. I can`t say I have ever tried shoe polish on my exterior trim, but you might want to look at the link below to read up on a dye especially made for exterior trim called Forever Black.


I just have some doubts about how long shoe polish would last in rain and sun and if it would bleed dye when wet.

Check out the link and good luck! :)

10-22-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by RedondoV6

Rotary. I can`t say I have ever tried shoe polish on my exterior trim, but you might want to look at the link below to read up on a dye especially made for exterior trim called Forever Black.


I just have some doubts about how long shoe polish would last in rain and sun and if it would bleed dye when wet.

Check out the link and good luck! :)

I`ll surely give it a read...I`ve used a bunch of different trim products over the years and I`m wondering if the shoe cream will get me good results and how long it willl last (I`m new to the forums, not new to detailing at all).

I`ll try it this weekend and see what happens...

10-23-2004, 04:15 PM
Well, I had a chance to do apply the cream this morning and it worked great!! I cleaned the area with a wax free QD (mothers showtime, love the spice smell) and applied the shoe cream. Then I rubbed it in with a terry cloth towel, and buffed with another towel slightly dampened with QD (to remove any residue from the cream).

The surface was left with a clean satin finish and the stains were gone...we`ll see how long it holds up. The fact that the product contains dye and has a thick cream consistency was a good combo. The foam applicator made it easy to apply and there was nothing to clean up.

10-23-2004, 04:28 PM
My camera wasn`t charged, so no before pics...but here is the how it came out...

10-23-2004, 04:31 PM
And the entire car (only the sides were done, they were the only faded/stained parts).