View Full Version : How much does business drop off in the Winter?

10-18-2004, 11:30 AM
I know that business is supposed to drop off during the winter and business for me has been slower lately but since this is my first year in business I thought that I would ask. Are you able to keep busy during the winter?

For mobile detailers, how do you detail in the winter? Work in people`s garages or just dress warm? Thanks.

10-18-2004, 04:53 PM
If you had your own garage you should be able to keep busy. I do not detail in the winter because I do it outside...but I still get alot of calls from my customers wanting their cars done. I hate to turn it away but I just do this on the side now so it would not be worth it to me to rent a garage.....

10-18-2004, 06:59 PM
Actually, I detail straight thru the winter. Of course, here in New Jersey when it gets down below freezing I`m not able or willing to get out there and work. However, as long as it`s above 35 degrees I`ll be there. I usually schedule start times a little later in the day. And I reverse my order of detailing to doing the interior first, then washing the vehicle, followed by polishing and waxing.

Working during the winter months is really not all that difficult, especially when it`s a bright sunny day. Hey, sometimes a sunny day at 35 degrees in January can feel a heck of a lot warmer when compared to a cloudy blustery 55 degree day in April. The key to working outside during the cold weather is to dress accordingly. Lots of layers and gloves, of course.

Something else to keep in mind is to try to condition the majority of your customers to get their vehicles detailed at least twice a year, every spring and fall. That way you will be able to concentrate on doing most of your busy work during the time of year when the outdoor conditions are best. As you build up your business you will probably do some marketing things to increase business during the summer months too, such as adding boat detailing services. That`s what I do and it helps to keep me busy during the summer. My customers just love having their boats cleaned up and ready to go during the summer season.

In summary, I would say that I do 80% of my work from mid February thru mid December and about 20% during the colder winter months.

Redcar GUY
10-18-2004, 07:06 PM
I "could" Stay almost as busy in the winter..

10-18-2004, 07:15 PM
Winter? What`s that?

10-18-2004, 07:46 PM
We just had a good snow (Canada) and it will be a little slower until people get used to the climate and conditions. This is the first work day i have had off in 9 or 10 months. I spent the day cleaning and organizing things that have been put off for too long. Winter and spring always bring a few slow days up here and i look forward to them.

10-18-2004, 08:32 PM
Funny, today is the first day I haven`t had a car in several months. In fact, 2 weeks ago, we were doing 4 and 5 PER DAY! We`ve had a weeklong cold and rain spell...

I had a chance to pay attention to my Miata. A well lit buffing session, finishing with the PC/finishing pad/Menzerna FP2. Then AIO and a 1st fresh coat of SG. `Champ` gets to spend the night in the shop to cure, b4 more SG in the morning.

About 4pm, in rolls a vivid red Diablo for a winter sealant, b4 going `undercover` for the winter.

I certainly hope `Champ` behaves himself while spending the night with this gorgeous Italian `redhead`!

(I should have pics of the happy couple tomorrow.)


10-18-2004, 08:42 PM
There might be a little Miablo in the family.

10-18-2004, 11:01 PM
Jim-you might want to set up a video camera in your shop to see what goes on between your Miata and the Diablo....might even be better than the latest Paris Hilton tape!

The only thing that slows me down in the winter are the rainy days and lack of daylight. Kind of tough to detail that third car when it is dark at 5:30 PM. One more reason we need to stay on daylight savings time.

I am real busy from now until Christmas. The week after is busy if my regulars are in town. My only real slow month is February because that is usually the worst month weather-wise.

10-19-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by SpoiledMan

Winter? What`s that?

took the words out of my mouth!

10-19-2004, 12:10 PM
People got to protect there car from the winter elements.

Don`t steal my slogon!! jk