View Full Version : Is my Meguiars polish too old...

Alex RS
10-13-2004, 11:10 PM
I`ve had this polish for a couple years now ( Swirl Remover) and I applyed it the other day with my PC after claying. When I tried to buff it off, with my microfiber towel, it was like caked on to the paint. I had to put almost all my body wieght on to buff it out.:confused: I know that can`t be good so i switched product, but is that from the Meguiars being expired/old or what?


10-14-2004, 01:00 AM
Did you shake it up well prior? I was told meguiars shelf life is around 5 years. Any chance they have frozen in the past, I know that will effect them. Try contacting meguairs customer service over the phone. They are very helpfull

Setec Astronomy
10-14-2004, 07:19 AM
I know you are waiting for a Meguiar`s (representative) answer, and you don`t really say which product you are using, but the Meguiar`s polishes can become very difficult to remove if you apply them too heavily. They need to be applied thin and worked in. I have plenty of Meguiar`s stuff that is older than a "couple of years" and have never had any "go bad".

10-14-2004, 11:11 PM
I have had both #9 and #2 separate on the shelf and would never remix .. but that was a few years back and well before my PC high use days.

10-15-2004, 10:53 PM
It could be the oils have dried out. If that is the case, the product won`t work properly.

10-18-2004, 07:27 AM
Scott, looking the picture of you in your sig, you better get yourself a chair with rollers, before your back goes out. My son got me one a few years ago, can`t work without it. Of course I;m much older than you:eek: Gary

10-18-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by turbomangt

Scott, looking the picture of you in your sig, you better get yourself a chair with rollers, before your back goes out. My son got me one a few years ago, can`t work without it. Of course I;m much older than you:eek: Gary

Gary-I skate several times a week (weather dependent of course) so my back is plenty strong. I also used to do a lot of heavy weightlifting including dead lifts. I also work my abs, which support 70% of your upper body weight. Many times people have back problems because of weak abdominals!

Thanks for your concern though. :xyxthumbs

BTW, I am 43, how much older are you?

10-19-2004, 12:11 AM
Scott is definately an old timer in shape. Little stocky f`er the time we met.

As for me, 22 and have already thrown my back out. Spent a whole week in bed about 2 weeks ago.

Scott is right, the abs are where it`s at. I`ve already started them and it`s starting to feel a lot better.

10-19-2004, 06:08 AM
52 now, 10 years ago I used to run marathons/triathalons, and did some moutain climbing in Wash State, now I detail cars to stay in shape. I tried to talk my wife into marathon sex to stay in shape, but that didn`t work .

10-21-2004, 02:33 PM
man, you guys make me feel bad, i`m 22 and lazy as Sh** :D

10-22-2004, 11:45 AM
65+, I still run a personal training business, but I do a lot more ‘tell’ them how to do it than show them.

Turbomagnet-I tried the same thing with my g/f (marathon sex to stay in shape) it worked…but just be careful what you wish for

Scottwax- you are 100% correct and I will add I envy you your energy being able to roller-skate for a few hours after the kind of work you do (heck I envy the standard of the work you do)

10-24-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by turbomangt

I tried to talk my wife into marathon sex to stay in shape, but that didn`t work .

Got to find me a wife who I could talk into that! ;)

Superior Shine
10-27-2004, 09:41 PM
At aprox $10 a bottle, toss the product and go buy a new bottle!