View Full Version : Need Canadian`s Help

10-13-2004, 09:08 PM
Hey fellow autopian`s, and especially Canadians. I would greatly appreciate if you guys in other provinces other than Manitoba could call around and see how much a factory refurbished, or floor model PC 7424 or 7336 would cost. I phoned around Winnipeg, and couldn`t even find one.

If someone could do a fellow autopian a favour, it would be greatly appreciated, and not forgotten.

10-13-2004, 10:00 PM
go to www.carcaresmart.com and order it... free shipping and a decent price.

10-13-2004, 10:13 PM
Thanks, I`ve seen that already, but the thing is, I can get it cheaper direct from Porter Cable. Anyone wanna phone around for me?

10-13-2004, 10:39 PM
Buick, refurb one`s a delta tool are about the same price as when it goes on sale at CT every 3 months. i.e. ~180 CDN.

Personally, I would get it from the states and pay for the shipping. With the dollar hovering at about 1.25, it`s makes sense now.

Not sure what carcare`s prices are but that`s probably your next best bet.

10-13-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by paco

Personally, I would get it from the states and pay for the shipping. With the dollar hovering at about 1.25, it`s makes sense now.

Not sure what carcare`s prices are but that`s probably your next best bet.

Coastal Tool is $119 US .. they are Canuck friendly .. get them to mail it to you. Do the math 119 x 25% + postal clearance .. not a lot.

10-14-2004, 09:56 AM
Did you try this?

http://www.canadiantire.ca/assortments/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444245 8991&FOLDER%3C%3EbrowsePath=2534374302192103&FOLDER%3C%3EbrowsePath=2534374303515768&FOLDER%3C%3EbrowsePath=2534374302194951&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302194951&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395348027&bmUID=1097765933588

10-14-2004, 04:16 PM
tricycle what was it? I have to enter my postal code, and then it takes me to the homepage.

10-14-2004, 09:40 PM
Not my fault, this web sometimes act like this.

Go to the "Automotive" section, choose "Car Care" section, then choose "polisher" and you will find it.

I just clicked the link, and it worked for me.

Anyway, it is a PC model 7424 and costs $239.99. They have free delivery and a 1 year warranty.


You can buy the PC from Meguiar Canada. The model is G-100 (i.e. PC 7336) and have a life-time back-up warranty from Meguiar`s.

10-15-2004, 09:11 AM
Never said it was your fault. But looking at those prices, are kinda stupid. Why would I pay 400 dollars CND for a Porter Cable Polisher?

10-15-2004, 09:32 AM
When I called around Calgary, I got prices of $235-$260 for a brand-new 7424.

Sorry to get your hopes up about a refurb, Buick.

Honestly, I`d track down a Porter-Cable Rep, and tell them exactly what you`re after. They`d know better than any retailer, and should be able to get you one locally.

At least you have a long winter to be able to look fo it;)

Good luck, bud


10-15-2004, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by Buick_guy

Never said it was your fault. But looking at those prices, are kinda stupid. Why would I pay 400 dollars CND for a Porter Cable Polisher?

Yes, these prices are ridiculous. :mad:

I know these PC are selling cheaper in the U.S. but the only thing that you may encounter is: when you see a cheap (inexpensive) PC from the other websites, especially those from the U.S., you are prepared to pay those unexpected brokage fees and Canadian duties taxes. When those $$$ added to the price of the PC that you chose, the priceof the PC may added up approx. $400 (Cdn.)

I got my PC from Meguiar`s Canada. At that time, they have a special price package if you ordered the PC along with the pads. This is the reason that I ask you to call them and check out the prices.

10-15-2004, 10:59 AM
i buy from the usa all the time.. <http://www.properautocare.com> easier, and don`t have these types of hassles.. searching here, searching there.. if i break the budget, i dont` care at least i`ve got the product i wanted..

10-15-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by montoya

i buy from the usa all the time.. <http://www.properautocare.com> easier, and don`t have these types of hassles.. searching here, searching there.. if i break the budget, i dont` care at least i`ve got the product i wanted..

Looks good. How much did you pay the UPS brokage fees and custom taxes?

10-15-2004, 01:05 PM
Get US vendors to ship your order by USPS! No duty applies if your merchandise is USA-made, so a PC should be duty-free. USPS has never dinged me brokerage, and FedEx isn`t too bad, but UPS is awful. I won`t order from a vendor who will only ship to Canada by UPS.

With all that said, I ordered my PC from www.carcaresmart.com and couldn`t be happier with it. Under $200 CDN with free shipping (for the PC AND anything else on the same order!), no duty or brokerage, and quick service.

10-15-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Cam

Get US vendors to ship your order by USPS! No duty applies if your merchandise is USA-made, so a PC should be duty-free. USPS has never dinged me brokerage, and FedEx isn`t too bad, but UPS is awful. I won`t order from a vendor who will only ship to Canada by UPS.

With all that said, I ordered my PC from www.carcaresmart.com and couldn`t be happier with it. Under $200 CDN with free shipping (for the PC AND anything else on the same order!), no duty or brokerage, and quick service.

This web-site looks good. Are they using Canada Post for delivery?

However, it seems to me that they do not have much stuff from Meguiar`s but I like those polishing accessories from Lake Country.