View Full Version : "layering" SG question-- prep work?

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10-12-2004, 10:56 AM
Forgive the "newbie" question, but about 2 weeks ago I applied the Sonus Paintwork Cleanser by PC (thanks for the freebie David!), then Klasse AIO and SG (one coat only) to my S2000 convertible.

Since this is NOT a daily driver, and stays in the garage in a moderate climate (southern CA), I assume that this level of protection will last a while??

Therefore-----is it "enough" for me to simply do my usual wash (wheels first, then change water, then wash from top down etc...) procedure, and once the car is dry, can I apply JUST the SG, or do I HAVE to use the AIO before that???

Paint is in excellent condition (Sebring Silver), and I have read that many people JUST wash and then apply coat after coat of SG (waiting 24 hours or more bewteen coats)...

Personally, I would rather apply the SG (after washing and drying above) and THEN maybe a coat of P21S Carnauba?? Unless there is a better "topper" over the SG?? Recomendations are welcome!

What do you think??

Thanks in advance...


10-12-2004, 11:07 AM
If the car is a `garage queen`, then I`d go with a wash and then more SG.

I`ve even used the SG after a couple of weeks of exposure (daily use), and it works well.

If you use AIO before SG, then you`ll be stripping the SG by using the AIO, so you won`t acheive any layering in this manner.

You`re on the right track . . . keep on goin`! (and be sure to post pics of you handywork when you`re done)

Bill D
10-12-2004, 11:07 AM
I`ll be topping with Souveran but I would recommend 3-5 coats of SG on the hood,trunk and roof first for premium prtection beforehand

10-12-2004, 11:25 AM
Thanks dmatre for the advice!!--I`ll continue with the SG "layers"--just a bit of a shame that I have to wait 24 hours

(and re-wash) bewteen coats!

Bill D,--I haven`t tried Souveran, but I hear it`s an excellent product. But how many Carnaubas do I really need??

And by the way--SG on top of a cordura convertible top?? I think 303 Aerospace Protectant is the best way to go---but will try to do 3-5 SG coats on the hood and trunk!

Bill D
10-12-2004, 11:28 AM
After a long hiatus from carnaubas I decided on Souveran to be the only carnauba I`m going to use :up

10-12-2004, 11:57 AM
HarleyMB41 - Yeah, just add more SG. You might do a good inspection after washing and *very gently* spot-clay any areas that need it. Just do it so you pull stuff out of the existing SG, not hard enough to cut through to bare paint.

10-12-2004, 12:17 PM
HarleyMB41, instead of washing, and since it`s a garage queen, you could simply quick detail and then apply sealant glaze. I would personally suggest more than 2 coats of sealant glaze, just to assure complete coverage.

10-13-2004, 12:19 AM
i have a question regarding application of the SG. when you say that it has to cure for at least a 24 hour period, does that mean you leave the coat of SG on (not wipe off). then after 24+ hours, wipe it off?

how long do you leave the layer of SG on? i`ve heard from a friend who uses zaino, to leave it on overnight.

but getting back on topic, i`m with harley in product use. just got some AIO and some SG. also have some p21s carnauba as well.


kepani-who also has a honda :D

10-13-2004, 12:34 AM
President of Klasse USA says " Apply HGSG using a damp Microfiber or Microfinger Pad but apply less product (about the size of a dime) and wipe-on in broad, overlapping strokes. You can use a light pressure to apply HGSG because you are not "polishing", you`re just applying a protectant. The longer HGSG stays on the surface, the easier it is to buff off. Apply to the entire vehicle before buffing. I will often apply HGSG in the afternoon, let it sit overnight and buff it off the next day. It will buff off like a breeze. Again, I buff by hand using a Microfiber Buffing Cloth."

10-13-2004, 12:38 AM
sound advice originating from the maker of the product. thank you beau.

kepani-who`s got his detailing plans and now needs a free weekend to execute it. :P

sorry beau, spelled your name wrong :o

10-13-2004, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by kepani

sound advice originating from the maker of the product. thank you beah.

The president of Klasse USA is not the maker of the product. He advises to use a damp applicator to apply SG. This sounds like bad advice to me. I am assumeing he means water when he says damp applicator. I don`t know if this is good for SG bonding to the paint. I have never used a damp applicator to apply SG and I have no problem using the product. Why would I bring water into the process?

By the way, just because somebody works for a company it does not mean they are an authority on the products. Just try talking to some of the Meguiars customer service reps and you will know what I mean. You can talk to three different people and get three different answers on the same products.

10-13-2004, 09:40 AM
how about leaving it on overnight? is that something you would/wouldn`t recommend?

i`m thinking that the cloth shouldn`t be too wet, just a cloth with a little bit of moisture?


10-13-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by kepani

how about leaving it on overnight? is that something you would/wouldn`t recommend?

I usually let my SG cure overnight, it`s just what works best for me. But my garage is pretty much dust-free- you wouldn`t want anything abrasive to settle on it before you wipe it off.

10-13-2004, 12:41 PM
~One mans opinion / observations~

I’ve been using Klasse (SG) for a while (‘50s) and I do not dampen the applicator with water or use any lubricating sprays during application.

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ Jon

10-13-2004, 05:42 PM
If you wish to read the Klasse application by the president of Klasse US here it is
