View Full Version : Godfather asks WHY?

Antonio Waxer
10-30-2004, 03:08 PM
OK I have been reading here at Detail City for a little while now and I just started to wonder WHY!! Why do people put up pictures of new cars and trucks that they have detailed? They are new and should look good no matta what product you choose. I detail lots of very expensive Italian cars, and some German and would never think to post a picture of a Ferrari o Lamboghini ..they are beautiful cars, not drivin much and they always look like new. No offense to anybody intended, but new cars should look new.


10-30-2004, 03:15 PM
Hmmmm, instead of slick and shiney new cars would you rather see a picture of a 1978 AMC Gremlin with bleach stains on the paint? I have a picture around here somewhere... :nono

I love pictures of newer cars, I think the reason that people show them off after they detail them is they look better than new!

10-30-2004, 03:22 PM
No offense to anybody intended, but new cars should look new.

True statement. Unfortunately all too often they don`t look new, hense the reason we detail new cars and post their picture. It does seem a little odd to ask this question however.

10-30-2004, 03:23 PM
Hmmmm, instead of slick and shiney new cars would you rather see a picture of a 1978 AMC Gremlin with bleach stains on the paint? I have a picture around here somewhere... :nono

I love pictures of newer cars, I think the reason that people show them off after they detail them is they look better than new!

Hey I`d like to see the infamous bleached Gremlin:D

I sort of understand what he`s asking and pictures are nice, but they are two dimensional and I`d rather see a great transformation, like some of Clean Deans work than a new car made to look shiny in pictures:dunno

10-30-2004, 03:55 PM
i love the transformation pictures, i think they are just awesome , you can tell most of us do if you look at how many replies sean got on that jetta he did a week or two ago, i am working on a 98 blazer now, all i can say is YIKES, watch for pics soon ;)

10-30-2004, 04:07 PM

I understand your points, new cars SHOULD look fabulous but often they don`t. It annoys me to no end when I see a new(er) BMW, Benz, Corvette, Lexus, Jag, etc .... that looks like crap & it hasn`t rained in a week. Why???

Doesn`t the jamoak own a bucket & a hose? Too ignorant to take it to a car wash?

Of course, the <insert ignored car name here> is black, has 40 series on oversize rims & the windows are tinted but I`ve seen cleaner 18 wheelers!!!

Why do they look so bad? There`s no excuse.

So when someone posts BEFORE pictures of one of these newer cars (to show us what they had to work with) along with the AFTER pictures of the results on their hard work, I think they deserve an "attaboy".

I think anyone can do a decent detail on a garage-queen, 1000-mile-per-year, I-can`t-go-out-cause-it`s-dusty car but I`ve seen some miraculous work done by some hard-working detailers & I like to see what can be done.

Personally, I like to see what can be accomplished when talent, tools, and products meet in the driveway of an ignorant owner.

I think the owner should be reported to the equivalent of Child Protection Services if they can`t make a minimal effort towards maintaining a fabulous car that I can only dream about owning.

just my $.02

10-30-2004, 04:41 PM
lol i agree 100%, i even have my roomate noticing expensive cars that are trashed, i always say its a sin to own a mercedes and have " wash me " written in the dirt, the other day my friend said look at that cadillac, ( it was a mess, an 2003, he said the detailing Gods will get him in the end,LOL
i had to agree :)