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10-04-2004, 09:24 PM
Friday afternoon I will begine to detail my paint. The process I will use is as follows

Wash car with megs shampoo


Megs colorx

Megs nxt x2

I also have a question. With the colorx, how am I supposed to apply this stuff ? Should I work it into the paint like a wax or just lightly rub it into the paint and wipe if off ? Thanks

Big Leegr
10-05-2004, 07:02 AM
When you say "work it into the paint like a wax" are you referring to a cleaner wax? If you`re talking about a lsp like P21S, #16, LS, etc. you don`t need to work them. Just apply them.

From my understanding, ColorX is more chemical than mechanical in polishing/cleaning. so you shouldn`t have to work it `till it`s gone, but you don`t just wipe in/off either. You should rub it in a bit to break up the oxidation. That said, even with rubbing, you won`t get rid of swirls using ColorX as well as if you were using a SMR.

I`ve used ColorX on only 1 car, and I found that you don`t need to rub hard, but rather rub a bit longer to get the best effect. I got a pretty dramatic difference on a SS red (oxidized) Colt even by hand.

You didn`t say the condition of the car or what you`re expecting to accomplish, so I hope this bit of info has helped. Again, if you`re looking for swirl/scratch removal, you`ll probably be disappointed, but if it`s just oxidation/cobwebs, it should work.

10-05-2004, 08:18 AM
Wait at least 24 hours between the NXT applications for curing.

10-05-2004, 02:15 PM
The paint on my 97 deville is pretty good. It does have a few scratches and it does also have some swirls. On trunk there is a nasty stain that I am planning the colorx will get rid of. I ahve no idea where is came or from what it is but it`s there and it is irritating the crap out of me. Bigleeg, you post helped a lot. I was thinking that I had to rub it in real hard like a cleaner wax as you stated. Thanks again Bigleeg and thanks john for the tip.