View Full Version : colorx instead of #9?

10-04-2004, 02:19 PM
i used DACP on my finish with the PC, and then i went to #9, then to nxt. unfortunately, somewhere in the #9 process, i got problems with the #9 smearing quite badly, and i had to use (what seemed) like a half a bottle of QD to take the smear away. i don`t know if #9 normally does this, or if my #9 has just been sittin` outside too long? anyway, i`m wondering if i can substitute colorx for the #9, and get about the same results? if not, what can i put on after the DACP and before the NXT? i`ve also got some IP, but feel that might be too harsh for a middle step. thanks!

10-04-2004, 05:00 PM
If you polish out DACP well/long enough, you could go straight to NXT if you don`t want to use #9 again. I have only had the smearing problem to a small extent when using #9. I`d say you applied too much product, didn`t rub it in/buff it out well enough, or you`ve just got to give the bottle a good shake next time before you use it to make sure nothing has settled. If you are done with #9 for now, most any swirl remover will work. All #9 is doing is lightly polishing the edges down and filling the small scratches, etc, left by DACP because it didn`t duff out completely. I`d try a swirl remover by 3M since that`s something that yo can probably find locally.