View Full Version : Wife left to shop before I could dry -- now what?

10-02-2004, 10:58 AM
I was almost ready to start drying her car, but she wouldn`t have any of it -- she had to leave with the kids to the mall. What should I expect when the car returns?

I hope the drive on the highway will help evaporate some of the water, and I guess it might be somehwat better than simply leaving the car undried and sitting in the sun (it`s actually shady and overcast today!).

The LSP is near the end of it`s life (the current lineup on the car now is AIOx2, SGx1, and some Griot`s Best of Show as a topper/LSP) -- this lineup was last applied about four months ago. Any tips on what to do when the car returns? Would a QD remove any water spots, or is another wash in order?

I plan on using some #83,AIO,SG and BoS on the next full detail, probably next week.

Big Leegr
10-02-2004, 11:50 AM
Yes, a qd should fix up any light water marks/trails on the paint. I would check the car to see if there is any dirt stuck to it first, though. If not, qd away. If there is, you`d probably be better off to re-wash/rinse those areas first.

10-02-2004, 01:49 PM
She`ll only be out for a few hours, so I`m sure you can skip the washing and just do a once over with a California Car Duster and your favourite quick detailer.

If the car is garaged, it should be fine with what you have on it. A monthly topper of your carnauba would probably enough to last a very long time without having to do your whole regimen again. So when she gets back, try just the Griot`s.

10-02-2004, 07:38 PM
I think it would depend on:

How hard your water is How much protection was remaining on your paint

If you have soft water you probably won`t have to do anything particularly if you still have good protection on your car. With very hard water you`ll probably be better off just washing again. JM2c

10-03-2004, 02:42 PM
Thanks guys -- I showed her the error of her ways when she returned ;-), though it wasn`t too bad (we don`t have particularly hard water).

My QD got rid of all remaining water spots, and it came out fine. There weren`t a lot of water spots, probably beacuse of the drive on the highway is my guess.