View Full Version : Rejuvenator Oil on Painted Leather Seats

10-01-2004, 08:05 PM
Would I be safe in using Leatherique Rejuvenator Oil on my 4Runners seats. AFAIK they are painted (coated?) leather??

Side note: I stopped by a local auto upholstery shop to ask some questions and he told me that leather conditioners really didn`t do much, they are pretty much for looks. :eek: He also said that most auto leather is really only good for about seven years anyways. I was going to :argue what he said but felt it was not worth my time.

Thanks in advance.


10-01-2004, 08:33 PM
I`ve used it on my leather. Although my leather is aftermarket, I`m pretty sure it`s clearcoated. For me, it worked pretty well. It softened the leather quite a bit and left it like new. I`ve only used it on my sister`s Accord (which I know is clearcoated) once, but haven`t had a problem.

10-01-2004, 11:22 PM
Thanks for your first hand accounts tkr128. I am gong to pick the 32 oz of each the Rejuvenator and Prestine Cleaner (http://www.leatheriqueorder.com/salespage.asp) and give it a try. Hopefully we will get another sunny day here in SB to heat the interior up a bit to help in the process.



10-02-2004, 03:34 AM
Your upholstery guy is mostly correct. 95% of leather in automobiles is (P) protected. The others are (N) Nubuck or (A) analine.

Only seven years? I dunno, my (almost) 13 year old Miata leather seats are in great condition...

Most lanolin based conditioners will make the seats look better. It may not `rejuvenate` them, but it does no harm.


10-02-2004, 09:12 PM
I viewed coated leathers as a two layers product. There`s the interior leather layer and the exterior `clear coat` layer. I think you need to treat both layers. Leatherique or Lexol or Zaino would condition the leather layer. The product seeps in via the thread holes and micro pores in the clean coat. Maybe this is needed a few times a year. 303 or Vinylex or other vinyl products should be applied periodically to offer UV protection to the top or clean coat layer. I have seen one thread where Leatherique damaged the foam in the seat

Leatherique damages foam (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=43068)

but it`s seems this guy applied LOTS of Leatherique very often.

Leather only lasting 7 years?!?! :scared I sure hope not. It`s expensive to replace. It should be incentive for us to treat our leather.

11-15-2004, 07:08 PM
I have been using Connolly Hyde Food regularly on one car for 20+ years. The leather is still soft including the black leather dashboard which gets the sunlight. On the other hand I have seen other people`s cars (not cared-for) with dried out leather after only 3-4 years. With proper care I believe leather can last indefinitely.

11-16-2004, 07:07 AM
~One manâ€â„¢s opinion / observations~

Iâ€â„¢m assuming the leather you are treating is an uncoated hide as itâ€â„¢s 20+ years old. My Father has been using Connolly Hyde Food on his Jaguarâ€â„¢s / Bentleyâ€â„¢s (Connolly) leather upholstery and has done so for 50+ years (so much for leather only lasting seven years)

Do not use petroleum-based (Connolly Hyde Food) or any product that is formulated with a high solvent / alcohol content on coated leather as it will disintegrate any adhesive and both the stitching and the urethane / polyethylene coating.

FWIW- I didnâ€â„¢t realize that Aniline dyed leather was use for automotive upholstery (or is this just in custom or special interiors?)

~Hope this helps~

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justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ JonM