View Full Version : products that cause and remove hazing?

10-01-2004, 08:50 AM
what are some products that will probably cause hazing?

what are some products that remove hazing?

10-01-2004, 09:04 AM
any medium to strong abrasive polish has a chance to haze your paint if you dont break down the abrasives all the way. To fix it you just follow up with a less agressive polish :D

10-01-2004, 11:40 AM
Yeah, abrasives that don`t break down fine enough to leave a ready-to-wax finish will, by their nature, leave hazing. This usually happens more with a PC than with a rotary, which can better break them down. A product that hazes with a PC might not with a rotary.

Using a PC/Cyclo, I`ve had hazing from:

1Z Ultra/Extra (significant), 1Z PP (minor), 3M PI-III Extra Cut (extreme), PI-II FCRC (moderate), PI-III RC (minor), Meg`s #80 (significant but rare, only happened once on rather fresh paint), Griots` Machine Polish #1 (minor), Meg`s #83 (significant).

Key, most to least hazing: extreme, significant, moderate, minor

10-03-2004, 05:05 PM
Accumulator, i have come to the conclusion, that no one will ever notice the hazing, it`s to fine and you really need nice the right lighting and have to be so close. but i know that it`s there and it gets to me a little. i have come to the conclusion that this is common with pc, and certain abrasive polishes. i have tried so many techniques that i`m all out of them. how might i go about solving this? i work dacp w/cutting pad till it is a thin thin film and dusting. then #80 w/polishing three times. and i still have hazing?

have you tried menz FP? i am looking for alternatives, that might work better? any suggestions? i believe if i remove these micromarring marks, my finish will look even better! thanks again Accumulator, and here is a link so you could checkout some work that i have done.


10-03-2004, 05:17 PM
on really dark colors like black i use Menzerna FP- really removes any last lingering haze.

10-03-2004, 06:06 PM
Much of your micromarring is coming from the cutting pad. If you use DACP w/ a cutting pad and get a haze, try following with DACP and a polishing pad, and then #80 with a polishing pad. That should remove the hazing and give a great finish.

FP is an awesome product, but probably won`t take care of significant hazing. It is meant to burnish the paint to a high gloss.

10-03-2004, 07:33 PM
i`ll give it a shot zaneo. i though that multiple passes with #80 would do it, but i may need to just step down to the polishing pad, then switch to #80. i`ll let you know how it goes.

10-05-2004, 07:47 PM
Cheapshot- Sorry, been out of town/offline. Yeah, try stepping down in more gradual increments if you need to.

I`ve used FP, but only after getting things almost perfect, I haven`t really tried to do any "correction" with it.

I`m not very familiar with the DACP (prefer other products), but I agree that you should go from the cutting pad to polishing pad. That`s what I do with the stronger polishes that I use.

10-06-2004, 11:19 AM
Accumulator, thanks i`ve tried it and it`s not very productive, i think the dacp and cutting pad are a haze nightmare, but i`ve gone over and over and over with #80, and polishing pad and it looks pretty good, i could eliminate all of it, but i would be there for weeks, the pc is just not aggressive enough for what i was trying to remove, but i did remove swirls and fine scratches, and the #80 brought the finish up pretty nicely, i`m left with a slight haze, that is tuff to remove with the pc. but i hit it with #80 enough to were it is so very light is some areas almost gone. much lighter then i started with. there are not visable even in sunlight. you need a 500watt, and your eye a few inches from the finish at the right angle to see the hazing.