View Full Version : How do they hide all the defects???

Eliot Ness
09-30-2004, 11:29 AM
OK, I’ve read more than one post by people who said their car looked great when they got it from the dealer or a bad detailer, then after a few washes bad swirls, buffer marks, etc. became visible.

My question is what do they use that hides the defects so well? I’ve never seen a product that hid swirls and buffer marks to my satisfaction. I guess because I’m so anal in surface prep I’ve never even tried to hide them, just eliminate them. A curious mind wants to know :nixweiss

09-30-2004, 11:32 AM
Fillers. Some products, whether polish or wax, have quite a few fillers in them that do nothing more than fill the scratches temporarily. The fillers disappear after a couple of washes.

Eliot Ness
09-30-2004, 11:53 AM
I know that a lot of the products have fillers, but seeing some of the pictures people have posted I have a hard time thinking they could have looked as good as they thought before.

I have in years past used products that claimed to hide swirls and scratches; I just didn`t feel it looked that much different afterwards. But then I have always looked at a finish fairly critically.

My guess is that the purchaser was so overjoyed with their new car and how glossy it appeared, they didn`t bother to look close enough or they should have seen at least some of the problems.

09-30-2004, 03:12 PM
A glaze can do a good job of hiding minor swirls or marks but I agree with you, most folk dont inspect the paint properly

09-30-2004, 03:34 PM
When I got my own car, I knew a little bit about car detailing.. but I didnt know about autopia then. Back then when I got the car... I have no idea how it looked! Now if I look at my dash, I can tell if there are 3 more specs of dust on it than before. lol

On the other side, I could go and lather up the dash of my moms car and she wouldnt even notice! It could be blindling shinny and she wouldnt notice it. If you pointed it out, sure she would see a difference..... but she wouldnt see it on her own.

What im saying is I guess a lot of people arent looking too closesly.. and they dont know what to look for. So maybe these high filling products do fill really well, but they still arent perfect.