View Full Version : I must be Nuts!

09-28-2004, 04:40 PM
I must have forgot to get off the train...:shocked

Two years ago I`d barely keep my car washed. Today I asked my daughter if she wanted her black car detailed because I had some products I wanted to try out.

I don`t know what`s happened to me.:confused:

09-28-2004, 04:55 PM
I think you have the Autopia *virus* like the rest of us. My garage actually used to have tools in it, now it`s a detail shop!

Bill D
09-28-2004, 05:00 PM


Take a look at my title :D

09-28-2004, 05:29 PM
The virus takes over kids, too!

<--------------- look at my title!

BTW, BillD, what`s the picture of, in your avatar?

09-28-2004, 06:27 PM
<--------------- my title

we may be nuts in front of our neighbors but never in front of an another Auopian :D

I am detailing anything which bother my eyes - i think its obsessive compulsive autopia disorder :D

Bill D
09-28-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by MongooseGA

The virus takes over kids, too!

<--------------- look at my title!

BTW, BillD, what`s the picture of, in your avatar?

It`s a shower foam gun attachment for your hose. See Accumulator`s Washing Technique.

09-29-2004, 06:59 PM
Yep, I can say the same man! Couple years ago I didn`t really care how my car looked. Never washed it even after winter nor didn`t even so much as vaccum.

Wasn`t till several years ago I started seeing shined up cars and man they looked awesome!! So from that point on, I wanted to know how to make mine look good. But then again, it`s kinda hard once you owned a station wagon for 3 years and never washed it(my first ride) Nowadays I`m wanting to know how to use a rotary buffer. Hell back then I didn`t even know what a rotary was, lol Just thought I`d share my story,,,,,,,91

09-29-2004, 11:18 PM
Well I think ya`ll are nuts......Wait a minute.....Dang I got that virus too. The local $4 astro turf car wash was just fine for an extra buck I could get a wax job, life was good. But noooooooooo, I have to find this website and now I am taking the wheels off to get the wheel wells. Power spraying the undercarriage, washing , cleaning, claying, polishing, waxing. Sunday mornings I am out at 6am to wash a clean my trucks. Now you have to understand that tese ford Rangers are 1988 with 240,000 and a 1989 Ranger 140,000 and people can`t believe they are that old. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I thought a swirly was when you put someones head in the toilet, but I will be danged if I don`t have them on my trucks. What step should I add and products?