View Full Version : What`s the difference between EX and EX-P?

09-27-2004, 06:05 PM
Well? EX Sealant and EX-P, what`s the difference?

09-27-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by JDookie

Well? EX Sealant and EX-P, what`s the difference?

EX has carnauba in it,EX-P doesn`t...

Eliot Ness
09-27-2004, 06:14 PM
Jason, here is a quote I copied from a product description for EX-P:

"Unlike regular EX, EX-P contains no carnauba wax. Reflections are clearer and sharper. This makes EX-P is perfect for light colored cars and especially those with metallic finishes. Like EX, it is easy to apply and very durable."

I have used EX-P, but not EX so I can`t compare the two of them myself, but I was pleased with EX-P on my red car. I went with EX-P because I was going to use a carnauba topper and thought the EX-P might hold up a little longer.

09-27-2004, 06:15 PM
The difference is P :D

EX contains carnauba while EX-P doesnt. EX-P is good for light color cars.

09-27-2004, 06:19 PM
Okay, so are either of the two products considered polishes or are they just protectants?

Eliot Ness
09-27-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by JDookie

Okay, so are either of the two products considered polishes or are they just protectants?

No polish (abrasives), just a sealant.

09-27-2004, 06:41 PM
The differences above are all accurate. I love the way EX-P looks on my light silver car and basically every pic of EX-P on silver I`ve ever seen has been awesome...seeing the pics on here was what got me to take the plunge and buy EX-P. So far I`ve just topped AIO, but I will be buying VM for my next experiment.

I have used EX (to top PWC) on both red & dark green cars and they looked great. The dark green car won 1st place in it`s category @ NOPI Nationals a week & a half ago.

The consensus is that EX is better for darker colors and EX-P is better on lighter colors. I agree.

Your Souveran would look very nice topping EX.

09-27-2004, 06:51 PM
Thanks guys, for all your input. I am just trying to decide if I want to buy these or not. So far, my favorite combo has been AIO, SG or GW, then P21S or Souveran, but I really hate dealing with SG and I`m getting a little bored with GW. I guess I`m just looking for a reason to spend more money! :p

I am thinking a good combo on dark colors would be Sonus PC, AIO, EX, Souveran and on light colors SPC, AIO, EX-P. What do you guys think?

So if I decide to buy some of this, who`s got the best deal? if you don`t feel comfortable making that answer public, please PM me. Thanks!

Eliot Ness
09-27-2004, 07:09 PM
If you order it from Autogeek you get the Autopia discount. Otherwise the prices I`ve seen are all about the same.

09-27-2004, 07:11 PM
Any idea what that discount is? They currently have a 15% discount going on right now, and was just wondering which would be higher.

Eliot Ness
09-27-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by JDookie

Any idea what that discount is? They currently have a 15% discount going on right now, and was just wondering which would be higher.

I`m pretty sure on my last order it was 10%, so the 15% discount going on now is a better deal.

09-27-2004, 07:42 PM
I agree with the others on the difference. Not that EX-P isn`t also excellent on dark colors, the look is more clear, wet and reflective while EX has a deeper, richer look. I find that EX is a bit easier to work with in the sun too since EX-P tends to dust up more on hot paint.