View Full Version : Help with sonus pad usage

09-27-2004, 10:46 AM
I have a PC w/ your Sonus kit and don`t know when to use which colored pad.

Products I use currently are:










What color pads should I use for each product?

Any other products you might recommend that I add to my detailing stock?

Thanks in advance.

09-28-2004, 10:45 AM

09-28-2004, 11:06 AM
Your Sonus pads go as follows -

Orange - Cutting pad, most aggressive

Green - Polishing pad (this is your workhorse)

Blue - *Finish* Polishing Pad

Grey - Finishing pad (used mostly for application of waxes/sealants

As far as what pad to use with your products, some can be used with multiple pads. It just depends on where you are with your detail.

First #83 DACP - This can be an aggressive polish used for removal of swirls, oxidation, and scratches when used with an orange cutting pad or it can be a good bit milder when used with a green pad. Most people start with the orange and follow up with a green.

#80, #82, and VM - I would put all three in the same category: Mild polishes with low to medium agressiveness. I would use either a green or a blue pad with these. It just depends on what you`ve done before this step, if anything.

AIO - I like this with the blue pad, but it *can* be done with a green pad if you think it needs it, usually not necessary though.

SG, #16, Souveran, P21S - These can be applied with a grey pad, but most people prefer to do these by hand.

Just remember, you always want to use the least aggressive method possible to attain your goal, so sometimes that means using a less aggressive product and/or pad. You will find that most of your polishing will be done with the green pad, but if you can`t remove the defect you are working on with the green pad, then at that point step up to the orange pad and then work your way back down.

I always like to work my way down the ladder with the pads, and I always finish with a blue pad. The only thing that changes is what pad I start with.

Did that help? Maybe instead of trying to *place* the pad to the product, you should try to understand your products a little better and *place* the product with the pad. Once you figure out what you are trying to accomplish, the next step is to choose the products to accomplish it, and then lastly find your pads.

Example: Let`s say you started out with #83 (your most aggressive product) and you are dealing with major swirls, light oxidation, scratches, etc. I`d immediately go to the orange pad and work the whole car at least twice. Then I would step down to the green pad and go over the car once. Step back and look at it. If you think you can get some more out of it, then I`d go with #80 and a green pad. AIO blue pad. Then SG by hand. Then wax by hand.

On the other hand, let`s say you don`t have all these paint defects. I`d go straight to the #80 or #82 and green pad, followed by the blue pad. The rest of the process is the same, AIO/blue, SG, wax

Whenever I use the orange pad, I always like to follow behind it with the same product and the green pad. This extra step always makes the finish look a little smoother and closes the gap between compounding and polishing.

09-28-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by WaterVapor

I have a PC w/ your Sonus kit and don`t know when to use which colored pad.

Products I use currently are:











Sorry I missed your post the first time round or I would have answered earlier. Here is my take on your question:

#83 Orange pad,

#82 Green pad, orange if you need more cutting

#80 Green pad, orange if you need more cutting

AIO Blue pad

SG Gray or by hand

VM Green or Blue

P21S Gray or by hand

Souveran Gray or by hand

#16 Gray or by hand

Hope this helps :)