View Full Version : A Messgae To My Neighbors and a little venting

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09-27-2004, 08:50 AM
I may not be a crazyas somehere but I do take great care of my vehicles and most of what I have learned I learned through here. That being said it seems unless you know about this place, you don`t understand.

So it is with this in mind I send this message to my neighbors, although they`ll never see it, I`m sure many here will see my point.

Dear Neighbors,

Yes to your amazment I am washing and detailing my car AGAIN. While I thank you for your concern I am pretty sure the paint is not going to wash off and as much as I may like you as a neighbor, you cannot line your car up to be cleaned next. I am not over doing it and I do know about the waxes that are available so you only have to wax your car once a year. Yes you did see me just use my leaf blower and I will use all of the towels in that pile. Again while I appreciate your concern, the polisher will not burn my paint.

Fear not, I am not depleating the areas water nor am I polluting it. Yes I will be out here in the winter so long as the temperature stays above freezing. No I am not crazy. Whjile I know youdon`t understadn my obsesseveness, this is why my car looks as good as it does and yours, well let`s just say it`s nice.

Thank You for your time and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-27-2004, 09:20 AM
Sorry to hear that you have such cranky neighbors . . .

Mine just come over to say "Looks good", and to share a beer! :xyxthumbs

09-27-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by tpg13

I may not be a crazyas somehere but I do take great care of my vehicles and most of what I have learned I learned through here. That being said it seems unless you know about this place, you don`t understand.

So it is with this in mind I send this message to my neighbors, although they`ll never see it, I`m sure many here will see my point.

Dear Neighbors,

Yes to your amazment I am washing and detailing my car AGAIN. While I thank you for your concern I am pretty sure the paint is not going to wash off and as much as I may like you as a neighbor, you cannot line your car up to be cleaned next. I am not over doing it and I do know about the waxes that are available so you only have to wax your car once a year. Yes you did see me just use my leaf blower and I will use all of the towels in that pile. Again while I appreciate your concern, the polisher will not burn my paint.

Fear not, I am not depleating the areas water nor am I polluting it. Yes I will be out here in the winter so long as the temperature stays above freezing. No I am not crazy. Whjile I know youdon`t understadn my obsesseveness, this is why my car looks as good as it does and yours, well let`s just say it`s nice.

Thank You for your time and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear ya man! I live in an apartment on with no real property so i have to do my detailing next to the street with everyone driving by staring and shaking their heads. Its funny to see them every once and a while take out their detailing "arsenal :D " and work on their cars, but to each their own. For me its a little therapy from my real job or a hobby.

What i would love to see is a "rent a garage". Where i could rent it out for several hours and not be bothered by anyone. :xyxthumbs

Bill D
09-27-2004, 09:46 AM

Ask around. Maybe start with storage facilities, if they don`t rent themselves they may have associates who do. Some investigating may just yield what you`re looking for.

09-27-2004, 10:10 AM
that was a good laugh, people think I`m nuts when they see me outside detailing again and again and again. I didn`t pay 25 grand for a beautiful car to have it look like crap

09-27-2004, 11:05 AM
Haha reading this post reminds me of my neighbors....they always see me out detailing the car, whether it be mine or my parents cars....and most of them look at me with amazement that i spend so much time on them. Some of my neighbors bother me about "you are gonna rub the paint off" and etc etc....yea maybe if my car was 20 years old with single stage point i could see it happening but its not and has a clear coat. One neighbor says she doesnt need to have her 04 BLACK Acura MDX detailed because she payed nearly a THOUSAND bucks for the dealer`s "PAINT AND LEATHER SEALANT"!!! I just laugh to myself self thinking the salesperson made a butt load of money off of her. The sad thing is I see such nice cars on my street and dont ever see anyone washing them AT ALL! I have often offered my detailing services to others in my neighborhood to their cars but it doesnt seem like they want to pay good money for their expensive cars to be taken care of. Many of them think that since they are new cars that they dont need much attention....WRONG....New cars are the best way to strart babying them to keep them looking new!

So i feel your frustration with your neighbors...sometimes I wish Autopians all lived in the same neighborhood....the world would be a better place!! ;)

09-27-2004, 11:56 AM
Yeah, neighbours are a funny bunch.

My one neighbour insists on using 3M`s Hand Glaze but doesn`t put any protection over it. I`ve told him several times it`ll only last a day or so but oh well...

Not washing isn`t such a bad thing. At least they won`t be introducing swirls and scratches! My mother`s 1997 green cavalier Z24 paint is nearly flawless (except for 2 very small scratches that I haven`t got around to fixing).

Why? Because the only time it gets washed is when I pay her a visit; which ends up being every 3 months!

Having Zaino in my arsenal really helps. Back when I use to only use No. 26, the protection wasn`t there any could see slight oxidation, now, wash, re-zaino and it`s good to go for another 3 months!

I`d much rather see a dirty vehicle on the road than a swirled one. Seeing a swirled car just makes me cringe, especially on BMW/Mercedes/Ferrari`s :(

A dirty car is much easier to handle.


Dave N
09-27-2004, 12:19 PM
:rofl Man, that was the funniest thing I`ve read in a while!

Why not print that out and stick it in your neighbors` mailboxes? He-he-he!

09-27-2004, 12:25 PM
I can relate! I live in an apartment too and several of my neighbors have commented on my constant detailing; it has been pretty positive though. After a few friends came over for me to help them with their cars I got several paying jobs from neighbors too so as a hobbyist that is kind of neat - I get paid to practice rather than getting new supplies. My coworkers tease me, but I`ve got several paying jobs lined up for October from them too.

The best compliment I`ve had was from someone that was moving his daughter in...he got to see the progress as they brought additional loads of furniture and commented, "it looks like a new paint job".

The management in my complex has actually encouraged me to put up signs and detail cars every weekend...which is funny since 2 mobile detailers live there; doesn`t say much for the quality of their work does it?

09-27-2004, 12:35 PM
When my neighbors moved in next door, I simply told them flat out that I like to keep my car clean...so don`t be surprised if they see me out here every couple days washing the car.

They laughed and said they understood and now just say `hi` whenever I`m out washing the cars.

09-27-2004, 01:15 PM
I`m in an apt, every sat I wash my girls car, every sunday I do mine. Everyone thinks I`m crazy. However I know have 2 other guys that I`ve turned into pre-autopians who come out and join me one of the days w/ an ice cold beer. There are a FEW people who think i`m nuts though :D

it has gotten me a few paying jobs though :)

09-27-2004, 01:39 PM

Wish I could put that up in a big sign when I am detailing....:bow

09-27-2004, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the post - maybe I can eliminate my irratation at my neighbors - put things back in perspective. If I hear one more time that I`m going to rub the paint off my car - it`s not even funny. I`ms sure some of my neighbors think I have a "problem".

People in general are hilarious. They will spend hours driving around or lining up to save $2 off toilet paper or to get $25 off a dvd player but do nothing to protect the vehicles they spend $20 - 70 K on. I don`t get it.

09-27-2004, 02:35 PM
maybe you should have a sign made saying "do not disturb, autopian at work" and then underneath that all stuff you just wrote about washing your paint off and stuff. :D

my neighbor told me that one time, `you`re gonna wash all the paint off.` but he sees me washing/polishing/waxing the cars all the time, and he`s cool about it. one time, he even told me, `my car`s next!` :D

i guess i`m lucky he`s also the vet for my dogs, and when we recently had to put one of them to sleep (she was old), he told me `i thought your dog was really bad because i didn`t even see you polishing your car.` although i was. i just had the garage door closed and was taking a lot of breaks to check on my dog. :p

09-27-2004, 03:18 PM
I wash every saturday at my apartment complex for 2-3 hours, noone says anything, not even a good job or it`s you again..ha ha