View Full Version : micro fiber detergent

09-27-2004, 01:02 AM
any body try to use the detergent for the micro fiber towel ?

Are they really better than normal household detergent ? Or it`s not worth the money.

I wanna try the Pinnacle Microfiber Rejuvenator Wash , anybody try it before or any recommentation on other brand ?

Peter Crowl
09-27-2004, 08:41 AM
I use Tide Liquid for the Front Loader...`cause that`s what I have on hand. It does not contain any softeners etc..

I wasn`t happy with the result..they were rough and still had some stains.

In another thread I read that the use of Vinegar in the rinse cycle works wonders.

It does.

I added about an ounce or so and then topped the dispenser off with water.

Difference was night and day.

This is a good thread about this...


Peter...in Denver