View Full Version : Need advice on problem areas...Pics inside

09-26-2004, 05:50 PM
Would like some advice on problem plastic areas of my truck.

I`ve only owned it for a few months so I don`t know what the previous owner has put on the plastic in the past. Anyways, pictures speak louder than words so tell me what you think:

Hatch pillar (1)


Hatch pillar (2)


Rear side glass moulding


Side pillars (1)


Side Pillars (2)




Sorry for the flood, but I did not want to waste money on products that would not work/last.

1 Clean WS6
09-26-2004, 05:56 PM
First things first....you need to remove that piece of trash from the lower left hand corner in this picture. :D


Aside from that...I`ve seen many Explorer`s from the early to mid 90`s that have had this same problem. I do not think anything can be done to save it other than replacement or resurfacing as it seems like the finish just failed and flaked off of the plastic over time.

09-26-2004, 06:36 PM
1 Clean WS6...he he. btw, its in the upper middle of the pic, bottom left of the car... :D

Would B2B or Forever black/black again work on this?

09-26-2004, 08:03 PM
on some of my black plastic like the plastic step pieces on the outside of my truck i use eagle ones WET tire shine it really makes them come back to origininal...it takes away all left over wax spillage on the trim pieces as well and shines them up.. so i just spray on that on anything plastic and it brings them right back to there shiny self...

09-26-2004, 08:14 PM
For the bumper I would Meg`s #39 cleaner followed rubbber/vinyl/plastic protect of choice.

For the trim and pillars you have options:

1) Back to black after thorough cleaning

2) Forever Black system

3) TOL Trim dye kit

4) Prep and spray paint the trim and mouldings

5) Buy new parts

After fixing the parts the mainteance is the key, but you prpobably already knew that.


09-27-2004, 06:28 AM
For the black roof rack and black splash guards on my Subaru Forester, I appllied AIO with a PC and it made them look shiney and new. Against silver paint, the shiney black looked good to me. After you use the PC, wipe the surface with a MF, and it shines up real nice. I thought the PC would just clean things up, I wasn`t looking to have a glossy shine. But after I stepped back and took it all in, I really liked it. It doesn`t seem like you`ve got much to lose by giving it a try.