View Full Version : Some questions from a beginner

09-25-2004, 06:07 PM
First off, I need a real strong andlong lasting wax for my car, any suggestions ? Some of my leather is discolored, I heard of using shoe cream/polish to recover the color. Won`t the shoe polish stain cloths when I sit on the seats ? I want my car to maintain my car looking with that "just waxed" look, how is this possible. I have a stain on my trunk which will not come off, it looks like a splash of something, it is not raised or anything, how can I remove this. Also on the rear bumper there are a few spots of dark gray what I am guessing is paint (my car is gray), how can I get these off ? Those are it for now:D thanks to anyone who replys

09-25-2004, 06:15 PM
Almost forgot, I am using Meguiars hot shine tire spray, how can I stop if from smearing of and creating white lines across my tires ?

09-25-2004, 06:24 PM
Let`s see...

Long lasting wax- Look into Collinite and Meguiar`s #16 (waxes) and Klasse SG and Zaino (sealants).

The leather- *Don`t use shoe polish* because it *will* stain clothing! Look into Leatherique (sp?) and, uhm, I can`t remember the name of the other one :o There are some things you can try, do a bit of searching if nobody else rings in.

Keep it looking "newly waxed" by waxing frequently ( ;) ) or using a good QD after you wash. The products listed under "Long lasting", above, will look good for a long time.

Stain on trunk- Try (in this order) clay, a paint cleaner (like AIO, Sonus, or Pinnacle PCL), a polish with mild abrasives (such as 1Z PP, 3M PI-III MG).

Spots on bumper- Same as above (or, if you feel lucky, try your fingernail, but *I* probably wouldn`t try that).