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09-16-2004, 10:11 PM
Oh boy I didn`t think I could mess up this bad, but looks like me and a PC don`t get along. Look at what I did, is it too late?

09-16-2004, 10:17 PM
that looks like FP it always messes up my pads too. just rinse it out w/dawn & water & it should beok

09-16-2004, 10:31 PM
is that bad? is that my paint? I was using it with DACP, the surface of the car looks nice and smooth but I`m afraid I`m pressing down too hard and it took off some paint??

09-16-2004, 11:09 PM
Do you have single stage paint? If so, it`s normal for you to see some paint on your pads.

If it`s clearcoated, you`d really have to try to get through the clearcoat, and it would be really obvious that you did. The color coat under the clear coat is no where near as glossy as the clearcoated. W/o the clear coat, the basecoat looks like a completely different color

I guess that`s an orange pad and black gunk on it? Did you clay before hand? You could be cleaning off dirt and grime w/ the DACP.

09-16-2004, 11:31 PM
Yeah I dawned and clayed before using DACP.

09-16-2004, 11:39 PM
Here are some pics after working in some DACP to my trunk, not bad results for my first time I guess. However there are some pretty crazy scratches which I will assume can only be taken out a rotary, anyone mind taking a look at them and let me know should I just keep on working it on with DACP. I did 2 passes on it and didn`t really do anything to it.







Couldn`t of done this without you guys!

09-16-2004, 11:41 PM
Ditto to everything Perry just said. My vote is you must have single stage paint. Don`t worry, unless you sit in one spot for 20 minutes on speed 6, I don`t think you could get through a clearcoat that fast. All jokes aside, you shouldn`t be pressing hard. You should be applying just enough pressure for everything to work but not enough to bog the machine down, and keep the pad moving very slowly, almost a snail`s pace, just don`t stop.

The car looks great to me, I say keep up the good work!

09-17-2004, 12:03 AM
Ah JDookie you have helped me a great amount, and caused me to spend a great amount. But yeah I am pretty satisfied with the over all results, I don`t think those scratches will come out unless I use something more aggressive or a rotary so I think I`ll just leave it as it is.

The car is about 8 years old, has never been waxed in its life, so I guess that would be considered single stage. Wanted to try this baby out before touching the benz. I don`t think the benz has any scratches like that.

09-17-2004, 12:09 AM
Stop that, you are making me feel bad :o Just kidding. Nobody said this hobby is cheap! But then again, what hobby is?? Anyway, I agree with you. Those are some serious scratches you have there. That big one in the middle looks like it`s down to the primer, not good. I would say that you could probably get a little more of them out with the DACP but the really bad ones will need to be filled with touch up paint, then wet sanded smooth and then polished.......more work than I think you want to do. It really does look great for being 8 years old and never waxed, you did a great job. So when are you going to tackle that Benz??

09-17-2004, 12:15 AM
This weekend, I have reserved the whole weekend just for it. Then during the week I will be doing my TSX which has minor swirls, so I"m thinking green pad with some #9 should be sufficient. I will udpate you with the benz.

Side note, the trunk is so smoooooooooooth compared to the rest of the car, its amazing what some polish will do. Right now NXT is curing. Finally I can wash this car without having to use 3 towels to dry it, I`m glad i cought on to this car care stuff so I can protect my TSX and prevent what happened to my Avalon.

09-17-2004, 12:24 AM
I`m glad to hear you are having such great results. I`ll bet you are ready to detail the whole neighborhood! Your TSX, even though it has only minor swirls, don`t you want to get rid of them instead of just hide them for a while? I would try the exact same process you just did on the car in this post. You might only have to do this once a year or so, but it`s really the only way to get rid of swirls. #9 is basically just a filler, and if that`s all you are wanting to do that`s fine, you will just need to reapply it after you start to see them come back.

09-17-2004, 01:04 AM
Oh thanks for the tips, I always thought #9 was a remover just a mild one. Guess i`ll DACP those babies then, guess I`ll try with green and if that doesn`t help, go up to orange.

09-17-2004, 01:06 AM
Now you`re on the right track! :up

09-17-2004, 01:44 AM
I think this is the first time I`ve been so excited to do manual hard labor in a long time....first thing this morning I kept on thinking what procedures I would do and exactly what I was going to do, even at work lol. This thing is really taking over me haha. Although took me like 2 hours to just to get the trunk done, so yeah...gonna be a long weekend!

09-17-2004, 01:46 AM
Isn`t it great!:spot