View Full Version : Wolfgang twins tips and tricks?

1 Clean WS6
09-16-2004, 08:43 AM
Hey all!

I`ve had the Wolfgang twins on my shelf for sometime now (I still have the first formulation of the QD) and am getting ready to use them for the first time. My question to everyone that has used these products is do you have any tips/tricks for your process (application methods, cure time before removing the sealant, etc.)? I`ll be claying and polishing the vehicle before I apply the Wolfgang twins and will have the vehicle left overnight so I will be topping the last coat of sealant with Meg`s #16 or P21S about 12 hours later. The car is a laser red Mustang GT.

Your input is greatly appreciated!


Mike :cool:

09-16-2004, 10:14 AM
The pre-polish is somewhat thick. It works best by foam applicator or by PC. The sealant is like butter...easy on/off. I usually leave it on for ~30 minutes and have NO problems getting it off.

There`s really nothing too fancy about using it.

*I* would put 2-3 coats of WG instead of topping it, but I have had good luck with S100 over it.

09-16-2004, 10:57 AM
~One mans opinion / observations~

The secret to the application of any polymer product is to apply it thin (super thin

Place a small amount of product (about the size of a dime) on to a mild cutting foam pad (White foam pad (PC speed #3-4) dampen the applicator with Wolfgang sprit detailer.

Using a light, even pressure, letting the polish and the weight of the machine do the work

Apply to a small area of the paint surface (approx. 3-foot square) taking care not to apply polish to absorbent surfaces (i.e., unpainted plastics and rubber trim)

Work polish into surface until it dries to a film, this may take several passes

After sufficient drying time do a quick swipe test with your finger. If no smearing or drag is evident, the residue is ready to be removed.

Residues should be dry when you buff them. If the residues are still wet, you are using too much product, allow the paint sealant to completely dry.

The longer the product remains (30-60 minuets) on the vehicle surface the easier it is to buff off

FWIW- Not one of my favorite products (I’m biased towards Klasse / Autoglym)

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ Jon

09-16-2004, 12:39 PM
Tip: Don`t use the pre cleaner. It sucks a$$. Use AIO or a product of similar usability. WG preclener certainly does not fall into that category.

Trick: None really. The WGSG goes on easy and off easy as well no matter how thick you apply it and how quickly your remove it. This stuff is hard to screw up.

09-16-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by BillNorth

Tip: Don`t use the pre cleaner. It sucks a$$. Use AIO or a product of similar usability. WG preclener certainly does not fall into that category.

Trick: None really. The WGSG goes on easy and off easy as well no matter how thick you apply it and how quickly your remove it. This stuff is hard to screw up.

Yup good tip:up WG over AIO looks killer




09-16-2004, 05:40 PM
I`d also vote for ditching the pre-cleaner. I`ve had great success with using Vanilla Moose under the WG sealant. S100 also looks great as a topper.


09-16-2004, 11:04 PM
The precleaner tends to be a bit `gummy` when used with the supplied mf applicator. Using a PC and a finishing pad or a foam hand pad gives me better results.

The sealant couldn`t be easier to use. Thin coat, wait about 15 minutes and it wipes off. 2 layers seem to look best. Even prior to topping with Sovueran on my 626, it had a very `carnauba` look.

09-18-2004, 08:29 PM
I recently clayed, AIOed and applied 2 coats of WG, I like WG because of its initial slickness, the downside is one rainstorm or a wash and slickness is 0, the reflection and shine is there though. I would says it lasts 4 weeks with one coat. I have too many different products now so I have to use at least half of the bottle before ordering something else.