View Full Version : 6`` RYOBI random orbital buffer

09-10-2004, 08:14 PM
Hi, just wanted to get some feedback on this buffer. Is it comparable to the PC everyone is talking about? Is it as safe as the PC and can i get close to the same results?? Its orbits per minute are 4800 is this good or bad? Thanks:xyxthumbs

09-10-2004, 08:48 PM
I just looked on the Ryobi site, and couldn`t find a 6" polisher or sander. I`d say it would probably work if you could get a 6" velcro backing plate for it (might even come with one). The Porter Cable polisher that we talk about is variable speed and goes 2500 - 6000 opm.

A couple other factors are the "stroke" of the orbit. Finishing sanders vibrate fast, but not very far. A good polisher will move maybe 3/8" (thats about what the PC does, I`d say). Another is the strength of the motor. Some bog down under pressure, others don`t. I haven`t found the PC to bog down much...some, but not a lot.

Another is durability of the tool...I`ve felt a few other cheap polishers...black and decker I think it was, and while it may have worked, it felt kinda cheap. I don`t know how long it would have held up, or how much it would bog down. The PC feels like a quality tool...but then again cheap is just fine in some instances.

side note: my boss at work had a ryobi weed whacker that he brought in for me to use (clean up around the building). After maybe a total of 5 hours over 2 days, the thing broke a connecting rod! I`m not saying Ryobi is bad, or a more expensive whacker would have necessarily lasted longer, but thats what happened to me. (He brought the machine from home...he`d had it for a few years I guess...none the less, I felt kinda bad)


09-11-2004, 07:28 AM
The best non PC orbital sander for polishing is a $59cdn MacAlister variable speed sander sold at Reno Depot here in Canada. It already comes with a hook pad and its 4 amp varible speed motor.