View Full Version : massive detaling this weekend, could use some tips please!

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09-09-2004, 04:54 PM
Ok I`m going to be doing a whole lotta detailing this weekend, and want to make sure I get down my procedure right. First I`m gonna wash my car, then clay, then wash, then color x all my swirls out. This is where I am stuck, should I grab some color-x and put that all over the car, or just use scratch-x? I have a lot of swirls and will probably end up using a whole lotta scratch x. Then I`m gonna NXT, and the next day I`ll #16. Anything else I need to pick up?

This is my arsenl I guess:

Meguiars NXT WAX


Eagle A2Z


NXT Booster Wax

Crystal Car Wash

Meguiars Clay

NXT Protectant

Any other products I should pick up? I`ve already used scratch-x on half of my hood, and am pleased with the results. It removed the swirls quit well and left the finish very deep, haven`t seen my hood that black since I first got it!

09-09-2004, 06:02 PM
i don`t know if ColorX is abressive enough as some people compare it to AIO, which is more of a chemical cleaner. :nixweiss it might be a good idea to either pick up more ScratchX or get something similar, maybe Meg`s #9 Swirl Remover, since the ScratchX comes in that tube and is meant more for spot repairs. that doesn`t mean you can`t use it on the whole car, it just means you`ll probably need to pick up a few tubes.

and i don`t think you`ll need the NXT Booster Wax if you are going to put #16 over the NXT, as the Booster Wax is for the NXT, and it is not the easiest thing to use. for the amount of time it takes to use it, you could just spend a little more time and put on another coat of NXT. :D a good Quick Detailer might be better.

hope this helps. good luck.

Bill D
09-09-2004, 06:03 PM
This is all by hand? If so, you may only experience limited true swirl removal ( and I wouldn`t be surprised more swirl hiding ) A machine is simply a necessity for absolute defect removal.

The weekend is very close, ordering online is out of the question, if you don`t have a PC you`re going to have to make do with what you have. Which sounds just fine for what you want at the moment BTW.

( but if you do, try to locate a body shop supply store and pick up the Pro Megs polishes or the 3m, PI III is my preference and the Megs pads)

Nevertheless, your game plan sounds good, I`m sure the car is going to look very good when you`re through.

Do have a fun time detailing and check back with us!

09-09-2004, 06:14 PM
I`ll have to see how pleased I am with the results, if I do this more often I guess investing in a PC won`t be too bad. I`ve already been quite pleased with scratch-x so I have no doubt I`ll be pleased with all the extras I plan on doing.

09-09-2004, 06:27 PM
just something to think about:

after you are done using ScratchX on the whole car, try to see how tired your arms are. if they aren`t tired, you could probably do without a PC. but if they are tired, a PC would`ve made the polishing much easier as it acts like a bionic hand. :D

another reason i would suggest a PC is that the polishing is much more efficient. in my experience, the paint comes out way nicer polishing by PC than polishing by hand. the shine and gloss, not to mention getting rid of any swirls/scratches, is much higher.

but you know, if you are happy with how it is coming out by hand, that`s great. good luck! :xyxthumbs

09-09-2004, 06:35 PM
Is a PC hard to use? The one thing that scares me about it is scratching my paint with it. 150 for the G-100 or whatever isn`t too bad especially if I do a bunch of cars, I`m just afraid that damage can happen if I do one little thing wrong. And yes after only doing half the hood I was working up quite a sweat.

Bill D
09-09-2004, 06:41 PM
Nope, taught my gf and Dad to use in 5 minutes. It`s not stretching to call it idiot proof in terms of burning paint. Scratching can be caused by too aggressive a product or pad or both initially.

The G-100 features the lifetime warranty but for considerably less you could opt for the 7424 from http://www.coastaltool.com (same thing)

Regardless of what random orbital machine and where you buy, I can say with confidence you`re going to love it! :D

09-09-2004, 06:52 PM
i didn`t find the PC hard to use. then again, i tried to read all i could here and in that article in the bettercarcare.com website. what is hard is trying to figure out what pad and polish combo would work in taking out scratches, but i guess that comes with experience. here`s that article i mentioned above:


the only way you can scratch your paint with it is if you dropped it on the car. :D nah, you`ll have to get really aggressive with it and be using a yellow, cutting pad with some aggressive polish to scratch the paint up. but even then, that can be cleaned up.

and you can get a PC at lowe`s or other places for around $100. the G-100 is Meguiar`s version of the PC which is the same machine (Porter Cable dual-action polisher) with a lifetime warranty. i`m not sure if the Meguiar`s one comes with a backing plate and pads though. but if you join Meguiarsonline, you might be able to get a deal for their G-100.

i do know if you buy it from lowe`s, you will need to get a backing plate, and a set of pads. but those you can get for around $50 from ProperAutoCare.com or Autogeek.net.

this post is quite useful in figuring out which PC to get, and what accessories.


but yeah, try reading those two articles as they are good ones that can help you understand what a PC is and can do. and like i said, it is basically a stronger, bionic hand that`ll save your arms when you have a lot of polishing to do. :D

09-09-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Bill D

Nope, taught my gf and Dad to use in 5 minutes. It`s not stretching to call it idiot proof in terms of burning paint. Scratching can be caused by too aggressive a product or pad or both initially.

Regardless of what random orbital machine and where you buy, I can say with confidence you`re going to love it! :D

i agree with what Bill said, although i have yet to teach anyone how to use it yet! :D

09-09-2004, 06:57 PM
Can I buy a MAC instead? :D

I think I`ll go get the meguiars one cuz it comes with everything and life time warranty. Hopefully I can still catch on the deal, thanks for the help. I just started doing this stuff and I"m already at almost 300 dollars!

09-09-2004, 07:07 PM
nope, the MAC won`t work. :D just joking.

i just checked meguiars online, that special is good for this month. it only comes with one polishing pad, so you might want to pick up a few more pads. if meguiar`s has a pad set, that would be good to buy because if you spend an extra $50 they`ll ship it for free. :p if not, the other stores here have pad sets that are pads only and no backing plate.

300 dollars? heh heh, yeah, if i had to buy my PC (i got it as a gift) i`d probably be up there. but try checking out Bill D`s collection, his signature has a link to a picture of it, that`s probably way more than $300! :eek:

have fun, and be sure to post pictures! :D

Bill D
09-09-2004, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by hirosh

but try checking out Bill D`s collection, his signature has a link to a picture of it, that`s probably way more than $300! :eek:

:o :o I went far too overboard this past month, spent over $300 largely for the Cyclo :o

09-09-2004, 07:17 PM
:shocked There really is NO CURE! ;)

Bill D
09-09-2004, 07:19 PM
:o :D

09-09-2004, 10:35 PM
Picked up some #9 on my way home. Gonna use it by hand first, and then think about the PC some more :D