View Full Version : Product Review: Adam`s Detail Spray

10-25-2004, 06:38 PM
Packaging: Very nice bottle with catchy black, red, and chrome label. 16 ounces. Flip-top dispenser (I don’t know how you would apply this stuff with it) and/or the conventional sprayer. Of course, I chose to use the sprayer. As pointed out on DC already, the sprayer straw is short of reaching the bottom of the bottle. This must be Adam’s way of making you want to buy more when the sprayer quits working but you still have some left in the bottle (Haha!! I think once you use the product, you will want more anyway!!).

Product: The detail spray is a bright pink liquid. It has a little thicker consistency than most of the other QD’s that I have tried. Maybe it’s just the bright color that makes me think that. :dunno It has a unique smell, can’t really put my finger on it. Maybe the pink antibiotics I had to take as a child.

Directions: The directions say to spray a fine mist on one panel and use a microfiber to wipe said panel clean and dry. Pretty simple, not much to it. Since this is the new batch and is touted as being able to fit the bill of a spary and wipe also, I think maybe some mention of that could be made on the bottle or directions. In any case, no big deal. Also, it says you can use it as a clay lube and there are directions for that, but after using it as a QD, I wouldn’t dare use it for a clay lube. :)

Adam’s Microfiber: First impression out of the box was “wow!” This was some nice, plush MF. One super nice thing about them was the tag. It’s not sewn into the MF seam. Rather, it’s a sticker that you can simply pull off. Kudos to whoever’s idea that was! After using, I can only say that I am still impressed. The MF literally soaked up the Detail Spray and the dirt that was on my paint (truck was washed recently. Had been through some rain). The MF/Detail Spray combo left no streaking. This is the best looking and best working MF I have tried. I hope to get more in the near future.

Use: This stuff is super easy to use. I sprayed it on and let it sit for a few seconds. I then wiped it with one portion of the MF and flipped the MF for my final wipe. NO STREAKING! By far the best QD I have ever used. I thought I was sold on the Eagle One Wet Wipe & Shine (over-the-counter), but the Adam’s blows it completely out of the water. I haven’t had a really good opportunity to polish/wax my truck in a few weeks, so I didn’t know exactly how the Adam’s would work. (S100 is my present topper) This stuff took off the water spots and some pretty heavy dirty spots. And it left the finish absolutely smooth as glass. It is super slick!! To say the least I am very impressed. I understand Nick’s hype about this stuff now. I thought maybe I would use it later as a clay lube for testing purposes, but I don’t think I want to “waste” this stuff.

Overall, the Detail Spray is one amazing product. One question I have is if it leaves anything behind on the paint. Maybe I would like to QD with it soon and put some more S100 on and see how it goes. I would highly suggest this stuff to anyone who wanted my opinion. I suppose you can use it as a one-step S&W/QD as Nick suggests. It seems like it would work, but then again I usually keep my vehicles pretty clean. Maybe I can get to use it on a more neglected finish and see how it comes out. Great product. If I were giving grades it would get an A+ in my book!!

P.S. No, there are no pics. I don`t have a digital camera. You`ll just have to imagine I suppose. Sorry!

10-25-2004, 08:46 PM
This is the best looking and best working MF I have tried. I hope to get more in the near future.

Very good write up, the product sounds promising. Just a question about the microfiber. My current favorite is the Magic Towel from CMA. http://www.properautocare.com/miracletowel.html

So my question is, have you (or anyone else for that matter) ever tried this towel and if so, how does it compare to adams?

10-26-2004, 11:08 AM
I have not tried that MF, but clicking on the link I see that they have a buy one get one free offer going on for it. Maybe it`s time to try it.

I really like the Adam`s MF though. It really did an A+ job with the Detail Spray. I am anxious to use it for removing the Revive and Butter Wax.

10-26-2004, 11:26 AM

Two questions:

1. Seems like the MF`s have a relatively tough black stitching around them, what do you think?

2. I use EO WW&S too, how do YOU think Detail Spray blows it out of the water? Just curious on your thoughts....

10-26-2004, 11:32 AM

Two questions:

1. Seems like the MF`s have a relatively tough black stitching around them, what do you think?

Yes, they have a black stitching. It is not tough and I seriously doubt it would ever scratch. I also don`t really see it coming unravelled. I am not exactly sure what the material/thread is, but I rubbed the MF as well as the edge on an old CD and it did not scratch. The stitching is kinda neat, as I have other yellow MF. It quickly lets me know I am looking at the Adam`s MF.

2. I use EO WW&S too, how do YOU think Detail Spray blows it out of the water? Just curious on your thoughts....

The Adam`s Detail Spray just seemed easier to remove and did not leave any streaking. I did the test at about 6:15 PM when it is beginnig to get dark out. I have had the EO WW&S streak at this time and it is usually harder to remove at this time. I usually don`t do this at this time due to the changing humidity & temp. Also, the Adam`s Detail Spray left the surface much slicker. And I would not use EO WW&S as a Spray and Wipe cleaner. I would not have any doubts using the Adam`s as a S&W.

10-26-2004, 01:34 PM
Thanks for you 2 cents. :)

10-26-2004, 04:57 PM
Glad to hear Jared that you liked the MF towel....you like it even better when you clean it up, as that was a major factor into going to these towels (ease of cleaning).

The black stitching is more or less "tightly" wound around the entire MF towel, not per-se "rough". THE STITCHING IS MICROFIBER TOO!! Again, we wouldn`t have introduced it to the line if it wasn`t safe :bigups We know how popular the CD test is, so we wanted to make it pass with flying colors :)

Hope this helps out~~

Totoland Mach
10-26-2004, 05:08 PM
Well, with all the positives about Adam`s and the fact that I`ve always received great advice on DC (plus DC has a discount rate), I just ordered a gallon "kit" and am going to try their metal polish on my billet wheels.

Now, I can diminish my supply of current QD`s he-he

10-26-2004, 06:52 PM
That makes two of us, Totoland. I placed an order for Adam`s "Super Detail" kit as well as an assortment of other products yesterday. Adam and I "spoke" via email yesterday and he was MOST helpful. Looking forward to checking out the products firsthand.

Totoland Mach
10-26-2004, 07:05 PM
I`m really curious about their metal polish...I have a set of Team III Halibrands which are non-clearcoated polished aluminum and are constant maintenance to keep in a state of high polish. I don`t mind the work (labor of love IMO), but am always looking for a polish that lasts longer or is easier to remove.

The detail spray appears to be well tested and commented on..should be a winner in my arsenal.

Doggone winter`s almost here in Toto Land