View Full Version : Direct Mail or Getting lists of new move in

09-07-2004, 10:22 PM
Who has ever used this method of advertising? How do you get the listing of new people who have moved into your local area? There must be a way. When i applied for my license through the county I got 50 credit card machine offers and sign companies, etc.

Also ther seems to be a way to purchase information on new city residents b/c I got a lot of Direct mail when I moved, welcoming me and selling their product.

I wonder if you can contact the post office or the county or city government?

09-07-2004, 10:43 PM
We have a thing up here called "Welcome Wagon" and everyone who moves in gets a welcome basket sponsored by the local merchants .. try contacting the Chanber of Commerce to see if there is such a thing in your area .. maybe your literature could be included.

09-07-2004, 11:00 PM
Real estate transaction are public records. Check with your county offices about obtaining these. They may know you sells them. Also, my local paper publishes them every Saturday. This would not include renters.

09-08-2004, 07:19 PM
From my own business experience, you would be much better off just teaming up with a few nearby realty business owners. Do a little bartering. You could gain access to many of the newcomers in your area while you offer them a free detailing in exchange. I am sure that could become a very cost effective way of getting to know those new residents.