View Full Version : Got a question b4 I layer SG

09-07-2004, 08:08 PM
I did a few spot details last day night (FP, AIO, SG), the car was driven around 50 kms today and I wanna add another coat of SG tonight, the car has a coat of light dust on it but I don`t wanna use the QD and MF method cause japanese cars have soft paint and I don`t wanna create marring but what I do have is soapy water from yesterdays car wash (I didn`t dump it yet). So my question is, can I use a sheepskin mitt that`s damped with soapy water, wipe on the surface and dry it with a WW like how you use QEW?? I`m not sure if the dust is still on the surface and cause marring when I dry it.

btw I got a few pics from yesterday but I forgot where I put my camera :(

09-07-2004, 08:11 PM
If it were me I would just re-wash it like I always do. Not worth risking new marring.

09-07-2004, 08:17 PM
Yeah , just rewash, probably take you almost the same time:D

09-07-2004, 08:51 PM
I don`t wanna get the other panels wet but, ok :)

09-07-2004, 10:49 PM
Hmm, I just finished it, this is what I did. Since the car is in the garage and it`s already dark, I didn`t moved the car, I took the hose, spray the section I wanna seal (although some water was over sprayed to other panels :(), wash (I don`t have much suds left), rince, dry, seal, buff. I kinda have a feeling I just marred and sealed some dust but I couldn`t see much marring from my 1000w halogen lights :confused: although I didn`t removed all the swirls yesterday, only see tiny bits of very light scratches under the sun so I`m fine with that. Oh yeah, I did one of the section with a yellow pad last night and I see buffer marks again :mad:, I`m so bad at using yellow pad even at a speed of only 2 :(. HOW CAN YOU NOT MARRED THE PAINT WITH A YELLOW PAD?!?!

09-07-2004, 11:33 PM
C-DMX, sound like you`re trying to talk yourself into cutting corners.

I think rewashing and risking potential marring (which is virtually eliminated with proper washing technique) is a better idea than just applying sealant glaze over a dirty car, or using old soapy water.

Perhaps a happy medium next time might be to use a california car duster, then a MF and quick detailer.

Anyway, with such a nice, beautiful car like an MDX, don`t cut those corners! I know it`s alot of surface area, and black can be an SOB, but a black MDX beautifully maintained will be worth all the extra effort.

09-07-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by beau

C-DMX, sound like you`re trying to talk yourself into cutting corners.

I think rewashing and risking potential marring (which is virtually eliminated with proper washing technique) is a better idea than just applying sealant glaze over a dirty car, or using old soapy water.

Perhaps a happy medium next time might be to use a california car duster, then a MF and quick detailer.

Anyway, with such a nice, beautiful car like an MDX, don`t cut those corners! I know it`s alot of surface area, and black can be an SOB, but a black MDX beautifully maintained will be worth all the extra effort.

Maybe you`re right :(, and I spended an hour yesterday just doing the doors and now I found buffer marks :rolleyes:. Do you recommand me doing the sections again (front 2 fenders, side mirrors and passenger door, ~3-4 hours polishing :p)???

09-08-2004, 01:26 AM
Do you have a Porter Cable?

You could probably skip the Menzerna if you have very light swirls or scuffs. All-In-One will handle light ones.

I think you can skip carwashing if the car is just lightly dusty and you don`t want to wash. clean it with a california car duster (or OXO duster) and quick detailer and a think/plush MF towel.

A detailed car is never finished. It is always a work-in-progress.

09-08-2004, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by beau

Do you have a Porter Cable?

You could probably skip the Menzerna if you have very light swirls or scuffs. All-In-One will handle light ones.

I think you can skip carwashing if the car is just lightly dusty and you don`t want to wash. clean it with a california car duster (or OXO duster) and quick detailer and a think/plush MF towel.

A detailed car is never finished. It is always a work-in-progress.

I have a PC. Those buffer marks are (I think) under the coat of AIO and SG so if AIO can cover/remove it I don`t think I can see it :confused:??