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09-07-2004, 11:46 AM
I just used the new Mr. Clean Autodry Car Wash attachment on my car. I was VERY impressed with the final job....and I did not have to dry it. There were no spots and the finish looked like new! Wondered what others who have used it thought about its effectiveness. Anyone know the pros and cons of it? I cannot wait to use it again. Thank you.

09-07-2004, 11:55 AM
one of the draw backs is that it doesn`t give you a chance to rinse your mitt. keep a bucket of water and dip your mitt often.

09-07-2004, 12:16 PM
I`ll second what 2000 stated about the need to keep your mit or sponge rinsed. In addition, I found my filter module only to last three washes or so before the indicator turned brown. It is possible that is due to the severe hardness of my water??


`04 Sedona EX

09-07-2004, 01:40 PM
I bought this when I first got my new super black 350Z. After the second wash I got this nasty film all over the car, you could see it on the paint and the windows and headlights. I don`t know what the soap was doing, but if I washed my door with Gold Class and got some dirt on the mitt, then spraying the Autodry soap on that same door and used the mitt on it, my mitt would turn black like my paint was. I didn`t lose my clearcoat so I don`t know what was going on with that.

I switched over to Gold Class and haven`t has an issue with that film since then.

09-07-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by halflife78

I bought this when I first got my new super black 350Z. After the second wash I got this nasty film all over the car, you could see it on the paint and the windows and headlights. I don`t know what the soap was doing, but if I washed my door with Gold Class and got some dirt on the mitt, then spraying the Autodry soap on that same door and used the mitt on it, my mitt would turn black like my paint was. I didn`t lose my clearcoat so I don`t know what was going on with that.

I switched over to Gold Class and haven`t has an issue with that film since then.

So you use the gold class soap in the mr. clean dispensor? If so does it still seem to dry spot free the same (or better)?

09-07-2004, 08:21 PM
I was impressed too with the system. But this last weekend I noticed a film on the windows. I could only see it at night in under lights and headlights. I never realy noticed it before, but now from reading the previous post I think it may be the MR. Clean soap.

09-07-2004, 08:22 PM
My Mr. Clean Autodry fell appart the first day I bought it... from the start it leaked soap, then it got worse and worse. I should have returned it... but now I`m stuck with it. I`ve heard only good things about everyone elses` units, though

Eliot Ness
09-07-2004, 09:38 PM
I`ve used it twice, and yes the wash mitt does get very dirty! I`ve found that by rinsing it with the plain water spray after cleaning each panel that most of it comes off.

The cars did dry spot free, but I won`t use the Mr. Clean soap portion for my street rod. I will try using the filtered rinse after washing it with my usual car wash soap and see if it helps on spotting. But since I always dry it anyway I probably won`t notice any difference.

I have read elsewhere that it leaves a slight film on windows so I used glass cleaner when I was finished. I guess if it doesn`t dry spot free using my normal wash method and then rinsing with the filtered water it`ll wind up in the next garage sale.

09-08-2004, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Mzd3

So you use the gold class soap in the mr. clean dispensor? If so does it still seem to dry spot free the same (or better)?

No, I used the Gold Class after using the Mr. Clean to get all of the film off the car it started leaving. I didn`t use the dispensor with the Gold Class, from what I heard any other soap will clog it up.

09-08-2004, 10:28 AM
Is it feasable to put a filter in line with your normal water supply and get the best of both worlds...???? Use the soap that you like with a mit and spot free rinse at the same time????

09-08-2004, 10:33 AM
their soap has something to do with the spot free rinse. but as others have found out most of use end up with a film. that why I quit using it and just went back to the tried and true method.

Eliot Ness
09-08-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by SteveL

Is it feasable to put a filter in line with your normal water supply and get the best of both worlds...???? Use the soap that you like with a mit and spot free rinse at the same time????

The Mr. Clean hype says their soap is part of the "spot free" process because it contains a Dry Rinse Polymer. I have read on other forums that people have had good results using their normal wash process and then just using the filtered water rinse in the Mr. Clean attachment.

The main reason I bought it was to just try the filtered rinse, but on the two daily drivers I tried it on I went ahead and used the Mr. Clean soap just to see how it works.

If the filtered rinse from Mr. Clean lessens water spots then I`m sure an in-line water filter would work just as well.

09-08-2004, 11:14 AM
I`ve used it with their soap and with some nxt and some cg. the filters do help, but on my black vehicle it did not stop them all together so I still had to dry. the filter will help you .

09-08-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by 2000

I still had to dry. the filter will help you .

Unfortunatly, all my cars are BLACK!!!:grrr

09-08-2004, 06:09 PM
I never really understood the excitement about this product. I`ve read from several message boards that you burn through filters and soap refills very quickly.

Secondly, it could be that I live in California where water isn`t very hard, but I never found it much of a pain to dry my vehicle off. Especially since the advent of microfiber waffle weaves.

It`s a product that seems good for the Nu Finish once a year car polish people. But for Autopians, it seems gimmicky at best.