View Full Version : My new Toy - Cyclo

09-06-2004, 07:12 PM
So I got my Cyclo on Thursday and my first impression of the machine blew away everything I was expecting. I was expecting a big , heavy , bulky difficult to handle machine. Boy was I surprised when I took it out of the box I found the weight is comparable to a PC but much easier to handle , the rear handle it easier to grip as is the top handle , it`s also perfectly placed over the pads. I ordered the velcro pad holders which are a pain to get on but once their on thats it don`t have to mess with them again. Onto a brief use review , I had to see what the machine felt like in operation so I polished my hood , which didn`t need polishing but I got a feel for the machine. All I can say is WOW! it doesn`t vibrate at all , compared to the PC I couldn`t even tell I had a machine in my hand , it`s perfectly balanced. Now the biggest thing I wanted to see was how much power the Cyclo had so I tried to bog it down , wasn`t going to happen with my normal amount of pressure. I really didn`t make it bog down like the PC does really it only slowed a bit. So far I really like this machine , I will be using it all this week and will write a through review after I`ve racked up some hours with the machine.

Here`s a picture of what I bought , oh yeah the Rightlook user manual is very informative for a first time user of the machine.


Bill D
09-06-2004, 07:16 PM
Welcome, newest member of the Cyclo Club! :bounce :wavey

Polishing the Vette with the Cyclo was a joy. Everything else on top of that made me exhasuted though.

09-07-2004, 07:15 AM
Cyclo has been in business for along time! I used one in the 60`s to detail cars. I remember what a great job it did then. It must be great now with the newer paints/clearcoats etc.:D

09-07-2004, 07:33 AM
Is the cyclo a rotary?

Bill D
09-07-2004, 08:35 AM
Nope, a dual action

09-07-2004, 09:32 AM
So is it as safe on paint as the PC?

Bill D
09-07-2004, 09:36 AM
Yes it is :up

09-07-2004, 12:00 PM
detailbarn- Glad you like your Cyclo! I see you got plenty of pads :xyxthumbs

sQuashes/L33- Well, it`s not quite as safe as a PC, but it`s still nothing to be afraid of (no holograms, no burning, nothing like that). It`s not quite like a rotary, but it isn`t exactly like a PC either...we beat this to death on another thread...the Cyclo`s heads are directly gear-driven so it won`t bog down or "just jiggle" like a PC will. The pads that mount to the heads can spin freely, like on a PC, so that`s where the "milder-than a rotary" thing comes in. It`s sorta a hybrid machine, in between the two types.

Vetteman- I think it`s just too cool that we have Autopians who used these things that long ago :xyxthumbs Those older ones are kinda neat looking, with their aluminum handle over the heads and all...more "machine age" than today`s models. But back then you had to wrestle the pads over the heads all the time...I`ll bet *that`s* not a fond memory!

Bill D
09-07-2004, 12:07 PM
I had no irrational second guessing about putting the Cyclo to the paint of my Caddy and that `Vette right away. I suppose if one tried hard enough potential damage could be induced quicker with a Cyclo than with a PC but that`s really a huge stretch. From what I`ve seen, I`d say it`s safe enough for someone who has never used a polisher before to feel content with.

09-07-2004, 12:11 PM
great, all i was worried about was it able to burn through the paint, but i guess not.

Thanks :up

09-07-2004, 12:28 PM
L33- If that`s all that`s holding you back, go ahead and buy one. As Bill said, it`s perfectly safe enough for a first-time user. I got my then-15 year old nephew up to speed with it in about five minutes (adults take a few minutes longer :D ).

A little common sense and you`ll be fine.

Heh heh, seems like we have a little Cyclo revolution going on here, quite a few people interested in them these days.

Bill D
09-07-2004, 12:32 PM

Don`t forget to polish, seal/wax your when you get it! :D :D :up

09-07-2004, 12:57 PM
From what I`ve seen, I`d say it`s safe enough for someone who has never used a polisher before to feel content with.

A buddy of mine wanted help with his car, he never picked up a D/A or any machine before. After a few minutes getting used to holding the machine he had at the swirls and it came out great with no ill effect (only to the swirls :D).

09-07-2004, 09:38 PM
I recently exchanged a few pm`s with intermezzo about the cyclo. it looks like alot of fun.

but i`ve also had my eye on this item:


The Makita BO6040 Two Mode Polisher.

for about $40 it goes from dual action to direct drive with the flip of a switch. seems pretty cool. does anyone have any experience with it? i already have a 7424 and i`m in need of a rotary. i was going to buy the makita 9227, and the BO6040 is basically twice as much, so not the most economical way for me to get things done. but seems like a cool toy.