View Full Version : Klasse Twins on polished aluminum wheels?

T. Perinne
09-03-2004, 02:10 PM
I want to keep my brand new polished aluminum wheels (not coated) looking as shiny and clean as possible. I only have a Mother`s cleaner paste wax on them now to get a little extra shine (after some Mother`s Billet Polish)... I also just got the Klasse Twins delivered - how would they do on these wheels? Would they protect and provide an optimum shine? This is on a black car so the wheels really need to set it off...

09-03-2004, 02:55 PM
Klasse on those rims would not only shine well it also helps to make clean up a breeze. I would go for it, its so easy to put a quick coat on every other wash too.

Good Luck

09-03-2004, 03:26 PM
The twins should do fine on non-cleared aluminum. Thing to keep in mind is there is no cure all when it comes to wheels and brake dust .. the key is to always keep the wheels clean. Like posted before soon as you feel the SG is fading a bit apply more.

It sounds like a lot of work but in fact in the end it isn`t. Its a lot easier ( and better looking ) to keep them clean as opposed to *trying* to get them clean later. Especially with non-cleared wheels your not going to be able to use most wheel cleaners on them.

I used AIO/SG on raw aluminum heat shields I made in the spring and they are still as brilliant as day one even with all the engine heat. No oxidization at all.

T. Perinne
09-03-2004, 03:41 PM
Jesstzn - one of the reasons I posted was due to your AIO hazing thread... it had me a little concerned. My wheels are made by Weld - they actually recommend a good polish with a thin coat of paste wax on top. I just wondered what a synthetic would do on the same wheel in terms of both protection and looks.

09-03-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by T. Perinne

Jesstzn - one of the reasons I posted was due to your AIO hazing thread... it had me a little concerned. My wheels are made by Weld - they actually recommend a good polish with a thin coat of paste wax on top. I just wondered what a synthetic would do on the same wheel in terms of both protection and looks.

Well a paste wax being mostly carnubas today won`t take the heat generated by the brakes and will be gassed off in a short time. Protection .. The Klasse Aio/SG x 3 I put on my wheels in March is still going strong. Mind you I wash them with nothing but car wash soap.

As for looks .. I doubt you will be able to see any difference. On a painted fender yes .. on a wheel I doubt it.

I have had 3 sets of non-cleared alloys and my polishing was Never-Dull which is non abrasive and protection was Nu-Funish back then and the last set was AIO/SG.

The hazing issues I had were with SG not the AIO and only on black .. they were easily removed with water on a MF.