View Full Version : Pakshak Yellow vs. DF Towel for QD ????

09-03-2004, 01:20 PM
There was recently a thread about members favorite towels for QD work. I had been using DF towels for this, and thought they were great. Needing some new towels I placed an order with pakshak for detailing, WW, and the yellow. First of all, I was amazed how fast they got here from Hawaii!! Secondly, the quality seems to be top notch. Really nice. The yellow was unbelieveably plush. Now, when using the DF it is so slippery I literally have to hang on or it will go flying off the car. I tried the pakshak the other day and it seems that it`s almost to plush? It seemed to "bite" and "grab" a lot while trying to wipe off the QD. Is this just the way it is, or could I be doing something wrong? Not complaining, jut very different.

09-03-2004, 01:52 PM
I have never used the DF towel but I can attest to the Pakshak Ultras (white and yellow). They are absolutely amazing and are my favorite towel for QD`ing. One of the plushest towels I have ever felt...:bow

09-03-2004, 02:41 PM
First off you have 2 of the best towels out there (Exceldetail and WC are also in the group)

The difference is the base material.

DF Towel` MF`s is a natural fiber based towel that is very plush but also creates very little surface to towel resistant. Yes, you must hold on or it will get away.

Pakshak`s are polyfiber towels, though the best of this type, will not wipe across a polished surface like a DF.

I use both type and love both.


09-03-2004, 02:53 PM
Been thinking of either Excel Detail or PakShak. How much did the yellow / white MF cost ya? :)

09-03-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by SilvaBimma

Been thinking of either Excel Detail or PakShak. How much did the yellow / white MF cost ya? :)

don`t remember the individual cost as I bought a whole bunch of stuff.