View Full Version : Audi A4 parked outside during Hurricane Frances--advice?

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09-02-2004, 02:44 PM
Hi everyone. I`m going to have my 2002 A4 parked outside my house in Deland, FL (near Daytona Beach for those of you not from the area) during Hurricane Frances. I was wondering if anyone had advice on how to prevent any damage to my car from occurring (other than praying/hoping/whatever). We still had some debris from Charley that hadn`t been cleaned up--palm fawns, other branches--so I gathered it all into garbage bags and put them in the shed. What I`m worried about is stuff getting blown around and scratching up my car. I do have Audi`s A4 cover, but I`m worried that it will only get blown off + probably do more harm than good. Any advice people can provide is appreciated. Thanks!!

09-02-2004, 02:56 PM
advice other tan take the car to a multi level parking and leave it there for the duration of the huricane? Oh, if you do this, make sure its not on the undergroud levels, it might flood.

I woud put some bed comforters under the car cover, add some padding. Get a nylon rope and tie the cover, since if you have good padding, the rope wont cause problems. You could put MF towels under the comforters so that less scratches are made.

... and then pray some.

09-02-2004, 02:58 PM
2nd on the parking garage.

I guess also anywhere that is sturdy to park it indoors.

You`re not being evacuated?

09-02-2004, 03:59 PM
Are there any self storage places around you? You could always rent a building for the month. That`s a little on the extreme side, but you`d spend more time and money if the car was damaged and you had to have it repaired.

The parking garage is a good idea too.

09-02-2004, 04:04 PM
You could zip it tight inside a carbag, this won`t blow off and should do a good job of protecting from debris.

If it were me In the same position I`d get the hell outta there. Drive north and don`t look back until the hurricane has passed...But then I`m a ***** boy brit that refuses to bring his car out in anything but clear sunny skies.;)

I hope it turns out OK.:)

09-02-2004, 04:24 PM
Got a relative up north who`s got an open spot in the driveway?:nixweiss

09-02-2004, 04:27 PM
If it was me, I would take a few days off and check out the Great Midwest. You probably cannot do that, so my advice is find some underground parking. I wish you the best.

09-02-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by vapore0n

[B]advice other tan take the car to a multi level parking and leave it there for the duration of the huricane? Oh, if you do this, make sure its not on the undergroud levels, it might flood.

I was going to say exactly the same:xyxthumbs

09-02-2004, 04:50 PM
Hey, I just noticed this is your first post (Doh!). Welcome to Autopia!

If you feel like a drive, I have plenty of space in the driveway. :D

09-02-2004, 04:56 PM
Either find a below ground parking lot ASK a gas station if you can pay to have your car left on the lift from Friday night till Saturday afternoon. Ifthat doesn`t work Park dehind a Walmart or K mart or Target besides the GARBAGE compacter they are empty and you could park next to a brick wall with nothing swirling to hit your car

Bill D
09-02-2004, 05:36 PM
If no car bag, definitely the pads and a bungee cord underneath the cover then tie a good rope in a figure eight knot wrapped around the trunk, roof and hood. I really hope everything turns out ok!

09-02-2004, 07:04 PM
There is some bad advice in this thread:

First off, there are pictures of heavy metal dumpsters that Charley blew over. Do not park next to a dumpster.

Second, do NOT park underground. There is a 15` storm surge expected in Florida and it is a slow moving storm. Between the surge and heavy rain, it is very likely anything underground will be flooded.

Third, do not park near any building with sheet metal siding (gas stations, storage units, etc.).

I suggest you either find a well built garage to park in or HEAVILY tie down your car cover. If you take a direct or near direct hit, I really do not think your car will escape without damage if parked outside.

09-02-2004, 07:39 PM
Having been in Charleston for Hugo in `89, the only safe place is the *most* interior part of a concrete parking structure you can find. Second or third floor should work-just not the top (obviously!). Still expect some debris scratches, but that`s the best you can do.

A lot of people know this already, so you have to go as early as possible-they will fill up fast.

09-02-2004, 09:22 PM
Hey, everyone. Thanks so much for your responses, advice, and support. Unfortunately, the parking garage closest to me is closed (!?!?!). I went there today and there was a police officer guarding it. I thought about offering him some cash to let me in, but decided against. What it looks like I`m going to do is this: tape some towels to my car, then cover them with a microfiber blanket, and finally the car cover on top (with everything tied down the best I can, of course.)

BTW, if anyone knows of some garage space opening in DeLand within the next 24 hours or so, let me know. :-))

Thanks again for all your help and advice!!

09-03-2004, 08:17 AM
TW85 HHI, sorry our advice doesn`t suit you.