View Full Version : here`s a good one

09-02-2004, 11:33 AM
:scared found out that about a week ago, my mother in law decided to wash her car (this car barely ever sees the car wash). its a white oldsmobile from the late 80`s i think. here is where it gets interesting....she decided to wash the car with BLEACH:shocked . at first i thought my wife was joking but after repeating "come on, you`re kidding!" for 15 minutes, i took her word for it. now i have to plan a weekend to go out to her mom`s house and detail her car in hopes of reversing any damage that may have been done. just thought everyone here would get a kick out of the story. later

09-02-2004, 12:24 PM
hey it`s white so bleach is good for it right?:eek: Now that`s a good one , just as bad as the mini van I did that the owners son used a kitchen brillow pad on it to remove the dirt... and a little clear coat. Have fun with your bleach car.:D

Option 13
09-02-2004, 12:29 PM
I knew a guy once who had a `70s era Custom Van....he never washed it ....once a week he would go over it with Windex and paper towels....his version of QD.....go figure:rolleyes:



09-02-2004, 12:48 PM
polished his lexus by rubbing it with a bath towel - dry..I asked him what he was doing he said he was polishing it...

I didn`t have the heart since he was almost done - gawd is was awful.

(he has since asked me what I use on my car - when I take him in my garage and show him the massive collection of products - he starts to think the towel looks good again :lol).

My other neighbor has a wrx - he gets is detailed profesionally - when he sees me out on a saturday spending hours doing my car - he joked "that`s why I pay to get mine done - so I can kick back on the weekends" my response was "you might want to take it back and tell them to fix the swirls they put in your paint.."

09-02-2004, 12:53 PM
When we were about 16 my friend scrubbed his Vega with SOS pads. Then he went over it with rubbing compound, then polishing compound, then Rain Dance. The foam pad on the drill trick. It actually came out pretty good compared to the before. He bought it from an old guy on the street who hadn`t washed it in years.

09-02-2004, 01:46 PM
Quote she decided to wash the car with BLEACH

~ One man’s opinion / observations ~

Not quite as bad but I told one client that he could remove bad stains from a convertible top with (diluted) bleach, Woolite and water. While he was away on a business trip his wife decided she would help...by using bleach straight from the bottle and scrubbing the fabric it with a stiff brush…

Undiluted bleach and Florida sun, nothing a new fabric top cannot correct

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ Jon

09-02-2004, 05:25 PM
I have a friend who runs a white diesel estate...The guys pretty clued up with mechanics and such like and swears by running his car on pure vegetable oil, straight from the supermarket.

This is of course environmentally friendly, but for some reason seems to cause a hell of a mess all over his paint. I think it`s something to do with a rich mixture and thick oil spewing out of the exhaust. Anyways, he`d done 8000 miles since the last time he washed it and the car was literally covered in oily black spots all over the paintwork, but worse at the rear.

He initially started washing with regular car wash, but when this had no effect he thought he`d step up to household washing up liquid. Nothing overtly unusual with that, as I know certain people swear by the dawn wash thing.

When he realised the ````` liquid was no good, he stepped up to neat kitchen cleaner, which in fairness started to shift it, but it was by no means gone.

In a last attempt to get rid of the oily mess he cracked open his wifes highly potent Fryer and oven cleaner, using it neat and allowing it to penetrate for 5 minutes before wiping...As per the instructions you understand!!:scared

Low and behold, this final bid to rid his stead of these unsightly marks had done the trick!!

What I found to be even more impressive was the fact that he still had a paint finish to apply his turtle wax straight on to...Great job!!!!:shocked

09-02-2004, 06:35 PM
well,i thought i had it bad. these stories keep getting better and better.

09-02-2004, 08:23 PM
At the dealer I sub myself out too, they address dirty white or light colored cars by wetting the car, and then spraying engine degreaser all over and then follow up with wheel acid all over and then scrub it all and rinse it off!

Yes..the car sure does come out clean, but what a horrible practice to use!
