View Full Version : Monitoring Progress while polishing

09-02-2004, 10:33 AM
How do you guys monitor progress while polishing a car? Here`s my dilemma. I`ve got a dual halogen setup on a tripod in my garage. Can I leave the Halogen`s on and pointed at the surface while I`m working so that I don`t have to put down the PC and turn on the light every time I`ve made a few passes to see how the work is progressing. I`m fearful to leave the light on and pointed at the surface because it creates heat. I would think that this is similar to having the sun beating down on the surface of the paint which is not a good thing.

Just wondering if there`s a better way to do this OR if I can go ahead and leave the light on while I`m polishing in order to speed up the process a bit.


09-02-2004, 10:56 AM
i dont think you should have that light very close to the vehicle to where it gets hot. That would have to be one hot light to do anything to the paint. id say just keep it at a safe distance and watch your work from there & you`ll be fine.

09-02-2004, 11:36 AM
Yeah, just have them at a safe distance. I never turn mine off and they`ve never caused any trouble that I`ve noticed.

Note that they`ll often reveal the most defects when pointed at some weird angle anyhow. It`s not like you want them positioned as if you were cooking the panel you`re working with them.

09-02-2004, 11:52 AM
Keep them at a distance. I have had problems with polishes drying prematurely and even visible evaporation at night (when you wipe, then slowly see the streaks vanishing). Of course, I had the lamps pretty close and didn`t realize the heat factor.

09-02-2004, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the responses.

I had my lamps positioned only a few of feet from the surface (basically about head height as I was working on the car) as i was working in a pretty small garage. I`ll see if i can get them a little further away. I started turning them off then back on when the Menzerna IP wasn`t working as long as I thought that it should...then simply ran out of time. I`ll see if I can position them further away and go back at it.

09-02-2004, 12:24 PM
I know the halogens are brighter and provide a great amount of light, but I`ve noticed pro`s seem to work with florescents...

They don`t get as hot, which is a bonus I guess :nixweiss