View Full Version : Applied UPP with the Portercable...

08-25-2004, 06:14 AM
It worked a lot better than expected. It applied very smoothly and evenly, and was much faster than I expected. I used a Variable Contact finishing pad from CMA. In addition, I believe the "scrubbing action" leaves a surface than is much smoother than hand application could achieve. I was able to take out very light waterspots and environmental etching in the wax layer. There were some waterspots that I couldn`t take out, but they were "big" enough that they had a visible ridge around them. I think UPC can take them out. I used speed 3 this time, but next time I might go up to 4 so I can move the PC across the panels faster.

Some tips:

Be sure to apply some sealant/wax to the very edge of the pad, since that is the last surface that will touch the wax as you move the PC along. You don`t want it to be dry and buff off the wax.

Be careful not to catch any dirt on the pad

After you are done with the PC, take off the pad and use it to go over areas that you couldn`t get to, like around bumpers and under the sideview mirrors.

08-26-2004, 05:27 PM
Was this with the latest version of UPP (v3.0)? With v2.0 I found I got a better/thinner/less problematic application by hand, and I almost always prefer doing this stuff by machine.

08-26-2004, 05:33 PM
Good advice

Have you tried those Surbuf Microfinger pads? They really allow you to cover more area with the same amount of product.

08-26-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Was this with the latest version of UPP (v3.0)? With v2.0 I found I got a better/thinner/less problematic application by hand, and I almost always prefer doing this stuff by machine.

My verion was bought around march/april this year. It is pretty thin

08-27-2004, 08:29 AM
Beanbag- OK, that`s the latest version. I haven`t tried mine yet, almost did, but I decided to use up some more of my v2.0 last time.

L33- LOL, I realize I`m in the minority here, but I got some of those pads for the Cyclo and I just *hate* them! I tried them with BF (similar to UPP v2.0). Too aggressive for a LSP (just my preference, worried about micromarring), not aggressive enough for anything else, and they shed fibers all over the place! YMMV, of course, other people sure do like them.

09-06-2004, 06:35 PM
actually, I still have a problem. I can apply a uniform thin layer, but I always get areas where it is buffed dry and I don`t seem to have any UPP on the car. I tried to apply it to the very edge of the pad, heavy pressure, light pressure, etc, but I sill get those areas. Usually, they are along the edges of the polishing line I make, e.g. if I have a panel that is uniformly coated with UPP, and then I use the PC to make another horizontal pass, there will be "dry" horizontal lines along the top and bottom edge of the pass that I made.

I`m currently using the "regular" concave LC pad. I haven`t tried the flat Edge pad I have.

09-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Hmmm, that`s interesting. I wouldn`t thought that even where it seemed to "take if off" it would still be protected by whatever UPP was on there before that happened (as in the "...have a panel that is uniformly coated with UPP, and then ..." example).

I must admit I`ve been applying UPP (and SG) by hand recently, taking great pains to ensure uniform, complete, and thin coverage. I seem to be getting better results than when I applied them by PC. But when it comes to carnaubas, it`s by-Cyclo all the way.

09-09-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Hmmm, that`s interesting. I wouldn`t thought that even where it seemed to "take if off" it would still be protected by whatever UPP was on there before that happened

I don`t know to what extent UPP is a WOWO product. It`s probably not. I haven`t checked very carefully if there is actually a really thin layer there.