View Full Version : ReNew 3000 and S&W

10-22-2004, 03:35 PM
Hello everyone.
I was at a motor home rally last weekend and as a door prize I won some "ReNew 3000-- To restore color, remove oxidation, cleans, polishes & shines." It says is can be used on all surfaces. I have not used it on the RV yet, but I was bored today and decided I`d try it out on my truck. The bottle says it can be used on all painted surfaces so what the heck? I first tried it out on the semi-cleaned hood and first impression is that it really does clean the surface. At this point I decided to compare it to S&W. The truck has one coat of NXT on it which was applied about 2 weeks ago.

I did not purchase the product so I had to do some searching to find it. This is the only place that I could find, so here is the link:
ReNew 3000 (http://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/rv-cleaners/fiberglass-cleaner.htm)

ReNew 3000:
-Thick milky substance
-Doesn`t run
-Wipes easy but a little difficult to remove
-Cleans very well without inducing swirls
-Left a clean, slick surface

My process was:
1- ReNew 3000 was sprayed on the tailgate
2- Wiped the product in with one MF towel
3- Let dry for a few seconds
4- Buffed residue off with another MF.

My impressions were that I was able to quickly clean the surface very well without getting swirls. The final outcome were similar to S&W but the cleaning stage is a little different.

-The Renew 3000 seemed to collect the dirt better than S&W.
-I did not feel the grit with Renew 3000 as I do with S&W but neither of them produced any swirls.
-I know that the surface was very dirty and that S&W may not work on it but I tried it out anyways.
-I used the same process for S&W but this way was a little easier on the arm. S&W is just so easy to spray, wait a few seconds and wipe off.
-ReNew 3000 on the other hand I had to rub it in for an amount of time longer than S&W and it is thicker so it does feel more difficult to remove, but nothing crazy.
-S&W does run down the paint whereas ReNew 3000 does not.

Just as I was going to start a cleaner surface it started to rain so I will have to get back to you guys if you`d like me to try it out on there. Time for the pictures!!

10-22-2004, 03:50 PM
Left Side was Renew 3000 and Right Side was S&W.

1- The whole tailgate that I did my test on.
2- Left dirty side that ReNew 3000 was done on
3- ReNew 3000 misted on
4- ReNew 3000 wiped in
5- Renew 3000 buffed off to a nice shine

10-22-2004, 03:53 PM
Left Side was Renew 3000 and Right Side was S&W

1- Half done ReNew 3000
2-Dirty Tailgate that S&W will be used on
3- S&W sprayed on
4- S&W wiped in
5- Buffed to clean surface (truck had some swirls to begin with)

10-22-2004, 03:59 PM
Last ones...

1- One last of the S&W side
2- Both sides done
3- ReNew 3000

Closing thoughts:
It is difficult for me to say which one is better because well, both are really similar. Both cleaned the surface, didn`t induce swirls and left the surface very slick. The only thing about ReNew 3000 is that I doubt that it polished, removed oxidation and restored paint, but as a waterless wash it worked wonderful.

If you stuble upon this product, give it a try. I am impressed and am very glad that I got this gallon of it. Its always fun to use a product and report it back to the city! I`ll keep an eye on the tailgate to see what happens in the near future. If you have any questions just gimme a shout! Good luck!

10-22-2004, 11:32 PM
Nice review and thanks for the info.


10-22-2004, 11:40 PM
Any contact info for the company which makes Renew 3000?


10-23-2004, 07:11 AM
Actually I just looked on the bottle and it does have some info about the company:
Environmental Products of America, Inc.
Birmingham, AL 35210
(205) 951-5100
If you stumby upon it give it a try!