View Full Version : help with the PC

08-22-2004, 01:22 AM
I plan on using a PC for the first time this coming weekend. My first question is...is it safe for me to use the PC on my car, or should I practice on something else? I definitely don`t want to damage anything.

I ordered the Meguiar`s cutting pad, polishing pad, and finishing pad. My car is a black 2004 Mustang Cobra coupe. It has some light swirl marks on it and some water spots on the roof.

I plan on using the following products...

- Poorboy`s SSR2.5

- Clearkote VM

- Clearkote Moose Wax

I take it the polishing pad w/ SSR 2.5 will be fine for dealing with the swirl marks. What about the water spots on the roof? Should I use the cutting pad with SSR 2.5? Which pad should I use for the VM?

And finally...should I get a pad to buff any of these products out, or should I do that by hand? Thanks!

a.k.a. Patrick
08-22-2004, 01:43 AM
Angel fan ! Woo hoo !!

Being as its your first time, i would suggest going with the polishing pad, and VM/MW first. Get yourself use to the machine and pads, speeds, pressures....Just practice with the CK products, and when you get aquainted, then go for the swirls with the PB SSR....2.5 is some serious stuff, and you *should* go with a cleaner (VM would be perfect for that) after the 2.5. Try the CK stuff with both pads, and just make friends with the PC first!

P.S. I wouldnt even think about the cutting pad at this point.....

08-22-2004, 11:09 AM
What a.k.a. Patrick said :xyxthumbs Just pick a mild product/pad combo and have at it. Most people find that the PC is far *less* aggressive than they expect, often, even less aggressive than they`d like.

For now, I`d just buff the products off by hand with a MF. Get a feel for the machine before thinking about machine-removal. Work small areas so you can tell how it`s going. Always turn it on/off while the pads on the paint. Keep the cord over your shoulder. Don`t drop it on the car or your foot :D Not much else to worry about when using it on a fairly new car.

08-22-2004, 12:13 PM
thanks for the tips.

So I shouldn`t bother using the SSR2.5 at all? I also have 3M Swirl Remover...should I use that instead? Or will the VM be good enough to take care of those problems?

What I`m worried about the most is the water spots on my roof.

08-22-2004, 12:33 PM
You can *probably* use the 2.5 with no problems once you get a little experience, but don`t start off with it.

I`d use the VM instead of the SMR, but that`s just me.

08-22-2004, 01:37 PM
i just ordered some SSR1 and some Poorboy`s Polish...would SSR1 be a better first step?

08-22-2004, 02:06 PM
Whyi is it important to start and stop the pc while it`s in contact with the paint? I can understand start, but why stop?

a.k.a. Patrick
08-22-2004, 02:47 PM
The machine isnt really designed to be running that fast without some downforce.....Just not good for it, or the pads, not to mention it will sling products everywhere !!

08-22-2004, 03:12 PM
Yeah, and it might even launch the pad into some nasty place where it`ll get all contaminated.

Patrick- you checked your PMs lately ;)

08-22-2004, 03:16 PM
Thanks you guys, makes sense to me !

a.k.a. Patrick
08-22-2004, 06:12 PM
Accum, did i delete something prematurely ? I dont have anything i dont think ive read.....?

08-22-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by a.k.a. Patrick

Accum, did i delete something prematurely ? I dont have anything i dont think ive read.....?

Heh heh, sigh, let`s try this again :D Gimme a minute (and then I`ll probably be offline for the night, but get back to me when you can).