View Full Version : question on 50/50 alcohol mixture

08-20-2004, 05:26 PM
Hi folks,

Just got done putting SG on the vehicle and notice a little bit of hazing on the hood. I want to put a second coat of SG tomorrow morning and was wondering if I spray the car down with 50/50 mix H20 and alcohol, will it remove SG? I know you folks talk about using the mix to remove haze and wax, but not sure about using it on SG? Just dont want to remove all the hard work.

This is with the 1 coat of AIO:

08-20-2004, 05:27 PM
sorry the picture didnt upload. Gonna try again, just need to figure out how to upload.:)


Bill D
08-20-2004, 05:28 PM
I wouldn`t use it on Klasse, if it doesn`t remove it, it will come close to doing so. I buff off haze with a nice high quality mf.

08-20-2004, 05:35 PM
heres my 2nd attempt on the pictures

1 coat of aio:

08-21-2004, 03:47 PM
final product


08-21-2004, 03:49 PM

08-21-2004, 04:09 PM
Xec- *Don`t use the alcohol/water mix on the SG!* Yes it will degrade it if not strip it completely. If the hazing bothers you there are a few things you can do (listed below in no particular order of preference):

-wash the car

-just wait to add the second coat until after the next wash

-use a QD to remove the haze (don`t rub hard lest you mar the finish), which is probably a good idea after it sits overnight anyhow

-try just fogging the surface with your breath and rebuffing gently after the SG has cured a while longer (maybe try in the morning)

As a last-ditch, desperate measure, redo the AIO and try the SG again.

08-21-2004, 04:12 PM
i agree with every1 else.. dont use that mix.. it will remove the sg somewhat... id recommend sprayin some distilled water, and using a microfiber, but before that try the microfiber... i always have problems with klasse sg.. seems very tempermental.. in the future u should try wolfgang, or poorboys sealant. also what Accumulator said about washing the car.. that really does work... i did it just because it was layering sg on my car, and it removed all the streaks...

nice tc.. .how do u like it? my gf is thinkin about getting one...

Dennis H.
08-21-2004, 04:18 PM
The IP will do a good job of removing the SG.

If the haze wipes off it moisture being sucked up by the product you put on. Under certain climatic conditions it happens. In time it should disappear. If the haze does not wipe off you probably have a slightly more involved problem product or applicator driven.

08-22-2004, 01:25 AM
Thank guys for all the input. Applied my 2nd coat of SG this morning and used 2 microtowels to completely wipe off the SG. I notice the only time I get a little haze is when I reapply SG on the applicator. But other than that good to go with the hazing part today. Did not use any 50/50 mixture (whew).

NavindraLR- Love the tC. Awesome car. Its the same length as my wifes 3 series BMW. Very quick, lots of torque for a 4 cylinder. They are comming out with a trd Super Charger that will push the car up to 200hp. But as of now, the camry engine that they use in the car is more than enough to drive around and ample enough horses for passing power.


Thank you all for the advise ,

