View Full Version : Propper Process for detailing

08-20-2004, 09:42 AM
This is my first post but I have been checking out this site for some time.

I have a black RX-8, this is my first car so I had no clue on how to properly keep her clean. I used the learning tools associated with this website to learn how to properly wash my car.

I have had the car for about 8 months and I am yet to wax her. Mostly because I am scared of what will happen. But I have a question on the proper process for washing to waxing my car.

the process below is based off the How-To Get The Perfect Shine tutorial. I am not trying to get the perfect shine but a very very good one would be nice :)

1) Wash car

2)Clay bar car(if needed)

3)Paint Polish (Couple of questions here

Is polishing your paint the same as glaze)

4)Wax ( I will be using Meguiars NXT)

Is this a good enough process for a beginner?

Do I need to Clay Bar and Polish the paint every time I want to wax?

Also it currently takes me about 2 hours to wash the entire car and wheels is it possible to do these 4 steps of 2 days without a garage?

Also the Meguiars NXT came with a pad for waxing should I just use that to apply the wax or should I look into getting a better one.

Thanks for any help on this matter.

08-20-2004, 10:29 AM
Congrats on the Rx-8 :)

For starters, I`d clay bar the car (I have a feeling it will be needed). Don`t know if you`ll have to polish the car, unless you have swirls and scratches. But generally, an 8 month old car will probably be in good condtion. Maybe use a paint cleaner. Something like P21S, Pinnacle, Meg`s. I prefer to stick with the same company products, so I`d go with Meg`s in this case since you`re using NXT.

I think you have a good process for a beginner. Sounds like you`ve read the "learn" icon and the articles. :xyxthumbs

You do not need to clay and polish the paint every time you wax. I clay usually 2 or 3 times a year and polish 1 or 2 times a year.

2 hours isn`t bad to wash the entire car. I think it`s good that you allowed 2 days schedule for this. Just take your time. I haven`t used the Meg`s pad that comes with NXT yet, but it looks fine.

If you have a digital camera, take before and after pics. Everyone here loves pics. It`s also a good reference when you look back a year from now and compare your work.

Hope this helps a little.

Welcome to Autopia :wavey

08-20-2004, 10:32 AM
First off welcome to Autopia. Let me see if I can answer some of your questions since I`m a beginner as well.

When washing your car use a good car wash (Meg`s Gold Glass, Eagle One Red Stuff, Tropi-Care, 1Z Perls, Meg`s NXT) also a good Lambs weol mitt or Chinle Mitt.

As to clay twice a year is a pretty good start, or as needed.

Polishes and glazes are just about the same. Some polishes have abrasivess some don`t, some have cleaners some don`t. Glazes are just about the same. Some glazes/polishes have fillers some don`t. (Clearkote VM, Poorboys PwC, Meg`s #80, 1Z MPW, 1Z PP).

Meg`s NXT has some cleaning ability so you could just use this after a wash and see if you like the results. After the NXT you could use a topper (S100, Poorboys Natty, Meg`s #16, Pinnacle Souvran). Also the pad you got with the NXT is ok to use.

You do not have to clay or polish before every wax.

Something else you might want to consider is sealing your paint. This step would be after the polishing/glaze (Poorboys EX or EXP, UPP, Klasse SG)

Just remember it`s the process/prepping of the paint that will give you the best/perfect shine. Hope this helps. If I left anything out I`m sure someone will chime in.

08-20-2004, 10:38 AM
first of all welcome to the site...

u need to throw some wax on that car... 8 months and no wax? :angry but seriously, it will help protect the paint. and theres no need to be scared of wax... i think its one of the easiest and most rewarding steps when doing a car.. the only reason to be scared would be if u were to stain the trim, but if i remember correctly, the rx8 does not have a lot of trim... you`re process is good.. the only change i would make is to wash after claying.. alot of people say u dont necessarily have to, but i do anyway just to remove and s*** left on the paint... better safe than sorry.. and yes i would clay.. considering that car is brand new and has not been waxed for 8 months.. you`ll be surprised when u see all the crap that the clay pulls off the paint. prep is very important. and no polishing is not the same as glaze, rather that glaze is just a type of polish.. i think its a pure polish, and just emphasizes the gloss... atleast thats what i last remember reading of it. depending on how bad the paint surface is you`ll prob have to use atleast 2 polishes.. id recommend the 1z pp, and 1z mp. the nxt wax is good.. so id stick with that. no u do not need to clay and polish the paint everytime u wash... as long as u get out all the defects and are happy with the results, the only next time u`ll have to clay and polish are when there are more defects, swirls, scratche, or etc... it takes u 2 hours wash the car and wheels? thats pretty long... please explain. do u use the 2 bucket system? the pad that the nxt came with is fine... most meguiars products are good... could you please pics of your car or provide better descriptions of the paint condition.. that would help.. thanks.. hope this helped

08-20-2004, 11:14 AM
BigPoppa- Welcome to Autopia! Cool car.

Yeah, you oughta get some wax/sealant on it to protect the finish. Actually, IMO the washing/drying is the "risky" process, where most damage occurs. Waxing and polishing are pretty safe by comparison.

Mazda clear is pretty hard, which is good (doesn`t scratch easily) and bad (hard to fix when it *does* get marred). Do a little searching and you`ll find polishes, waxes, and sealants that are considered user-friendly. Or post back with what you plan to use and see what we think.

Don`t worry about how long washing takes. I take forever to do some of my vehicles and a) I`ve been doing this for decades, b) I work fast, c) I don`t worry about what other people think about how long I take ;) It just takes as long as it takes.

I *would* worry about spreading certain processes over two days without a garage. You`ll have to at least QD before resuming work, and *I* would probably rinse the car off and dry it very carefully.

Maybe look into products that go fast; the huge-project approach might not be best for you. Example: wash/dry, clay, polish with 1Z PP. Next day, rinse/dry, apply 1Z Wax Polish Soft (if you don`t have any real marring you could even skip the PP polishing and just use the WPS). In a week or so, wash/dry, top the WPS with 1Z Glanz wax or Meg`s #16. That would hold you for quite a while, nothing but regular washes for a long time. When the beading starts to look weak, just reapply the Glanz/#16 after a wash. No need to repolish for a *long* time unless the finish gets marred. Just redo the WPS every six months or so and start the topping process over again. Hope that didn`t sound overwhelming, since I meant for it to be a simple approach :o