View Full Version : PB Bold n Bright - How Does It Get Applied?

08-20-2004, 09:06 AM
I was thinking about picking up some of this product to try and I am confused. It says that it is a great cleaner but also leave a gloss. Do you scrub it? Rinse it? Apply with a sponge applicator?

I like a deep shine to my tires, and I can`t get a grasp on how this product is going to perform. I am currently using the Megs Endurance Ultra Gloss, but thought I might add another option to my collection.

Anyone who uses it, should I try it as well?

Thanks for any help to be offered.


08-20-2004, 09:26 AM
I tried it a few weeks ago. I really like the way it works. I usually like a more satin look and it looks great if you apply, let it sit and wipe off. But if you want a deep shine, just spray or wipe it directly on the tire and walk away (per instructions on the bottle).

08-20-2004, 09:31 AM
Does it sling at all? Also, is it a really sticky product that collects dust? Just trying to get a feel for its characteristics.

Thanks again.


08-20-2004, 10:13 AM
I found that when I sprayed directly on the tire, it went on a bit too thickly, and didn`t dry quite completely. Although it didn`t sling onto the paint, you could see where it had run a little on the tires near raised lettering.

Applied with a tire swipe, though, the stuff rocks. Nice satin shine that, so far, appears to wear well. Dries completely with no sling. The gloss fades after a wash or a drive through rain, but the tire remains nice and black. I can`t speak for long-term durability, as I usually re-apply any tire dressing about every other wash or so.


08-20-2004, 10:31 AM
I apply it with a sponge. I have a white car and have no sling at all!

Alex Creasey
08-20-2004, 12:16 PM
I spray any tyre products onto the tye directly but spread and thin out with a household paintbrush and then just leave it to keep the shine.

I`ve never noticed any sling and have been very happy with it.

Cheers :) .

08-26-2004, 02:02 PM
BnB is my favorite tire dressing. For me, it doesn`t sling, has the best durability of any tire dressing I`ve tried, it`s easy to use, it`s water based so washing your hands after use is easy, cleans and shines but not too much, and is available in gallon sizes. I apply with a terry applicator pad.

08-26-2004, 04:36 PM
I apply with a tire swipe or one of those cheap kitchen sponges and then buff off after letting it sit a while. It does run a little bit on the raised lettering on the tires of my 4Runner, but I haven`t found anything that hasn`t, another buff usually takes care of it. It`s one of the best tire dressings I`ve used.