View Full Version : Im new to detailing...

08-19-2004, 07:44 PM
I recently just purchased a 95 camaro and i want it to look newer.


I like keeping the car clean but thats not enough. It has swirls and scratches and a few paint chips, and rock solid brake dust on the rims (its hard to see on the picture of the rim, its worse on a couple other rims) :sosad



In the third picture i tryed to get the swirls but it doesnt show because the car is in the shade right now)

So far ive used a carnauba (la cera amarilla) wax that i found works good. Its from productioncarcare (http://www.productioncarcare.com/index2.html) . I also use Meguiar`s dressing for the tires (the one thats a gel and lasts for a long time) is this ok to use?

The car looks great in the shade, but under direct sunlight is a different story. I was thinking of polishing it, but im not sure if its worth it or not, that and i have almoast no idea what im doing.

What products can you guys recomend for the rims and waxes and polish (and any advice on how to use them)?

productioncarcare (http://www.productioncarcare.com/index2.html)

08-19-2004, 08:28 PM
I have a red 1994 Camaro much like yours, and it was/is the exact same way, looked great in the shade but once sunlight hit it you could see alllll the swirls. I went out and bought myself a PC, and some #83, #9, and the klasse twins. I just finished doing the whole front clip(like 10 minutes ago). and it looks amazingly better I had it under a halogen light and you can just see a few deeper swirls left in it, it amazing, I can`t wait to see it in the sun. I would highly suggest polishing, especially with the black, it will look great.

08-19-2004, 08:38 PM
Welcome to Autopia :wavey

Just a word of caution:

Be careful when you use links to external sites selling stuff - it looks very suspicious, especially when you do it more than once.

Is it worth it ?

To all of us here - absolutely ! If you get hooked you`ll feel the same way.

For now you can start with just a few products and go from there.

You could try P21S wheel cleaner to clean your wheels . It`s not the cheapest but it won`t harm the wheels. I`m sure others will have different suggestions.

08-19-2004, 08:52 PM
bought myself a PC, and some #83, #9, and the klasse twins.



What are the actual names of what you guys just said, and what are they for?

Can i get the "P2IS" at Wal-Mart? I dont want to order stuff online.

And i read that polishing just removes some of the clearcoat making it smooth, so if you polish too many times i will eventually have to get it repainted right?

08-19-2004, 09:18 PM
PC- Porter Cable (Orbital Polisher) (Meguiars) #83- Dual Action Cleaner Polish (Meguiars) #9- Swirl Remover Klasse Twins- All in One and High Gloss Sealant Glaze P21S cannot be found at at store like wal mart you can order it online or if you have a retailer near you. Here is a link to information about the Porter Cable Polisher http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=47 Heres is a link to the 2 Meguiars Products. ( Just click on swirl remover and dual action cleaner polish. http://www.meguiars.com/store_meguiars/product_list.cfm?store=pro&line=proauto&catagory=3&subcatagory=1 Here is a link to the Klasse twins http://www.properautocare.com/kla-16.html http://www.properautocare.com/kla-gla.html Finally here is a link to the P21S website http://p21s.com/ Click on where to find P21S products on the P21S website to see if there is a retailer by you. I really don`t know the answer to your last polishing through the clear coat

08-19-2004, 10:16 PM
Welcome to Autopia gt_biker13 :welcome

http://www.bettercarcare.com Start here. This is the Learn! link at the very top of the screen. There are lots of great articles there to help get you started and help you understand some of the processes and products. My best advice to you is to read up, use the Search function here at Autopia, and then post questions to fill in any blank that still remain. Happy reading!

08-19-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by gt_biker13

bought myself a PC, and some #83, #9, and the klasse twins.



What are the actual names of what you guys just said, and what are they for?

Can i get the "P2IS" at Wal-Mart? I dont want to order stuff online.

Check out the ACRONYMS (http://www.autopia.org/display.php?file=acronyms.htm) to start learning our short-hand language.

P21S is a carnauba wax. You can get the cycle version of it at most Harley Davidson dealers under the name S100. But no, you can`t find it a Wal-mart.

08-20-2004, 10:46 AM
Welcome to Autopia!

Originally posted by gt_biker13

.. i read that polishing just removes some of the clearcoat making it smooth, so if you polish too many times i will eventually have to get it repainted right?

Yeah, but it`s generally not an issue unless you do something weird/wrong/excessive. The removal of clearcoat is what makes the marring (scratches, etc.) go away. Then you just wash/dry/etc. correctly (hint, hint ;) ) so they don`t some back and you won`t have to do enough polishing for it to become a problem. I`ve polished some of our cars as needed for many years and it didn`t cause any problems. But I *was* careful about it...so use common sense and you should be fine. The real trick is to *not* mar the finish in the first place, so work on wash/dry technique.

If you don`t want to order online, look in the Yellow Pages for an autopaint/body supply place. Most every town has at least one, and they`ll have good products from Meg`s (Pro line), 3M, and Pro (among others).