View Full Version : AIO Cloudy???

08-19-2004, 04:29 PM
I`m fairly new at this whole polishing deal but I have been playing around with it a lot on my Camaro, and I used #83 followed by #9 on the hood and it looked great, took almost all the swirls out, looks fantastic. Then I went over that with AIO and now it looks uneven and cloudy, I put it on with a pc as thin and I could and then buffed off with a MF. Any ideas on why this is, or does AIO need to cure a little bit or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

08-19-2004, 05:01 PM
2 things maybe,first if you put AIO on to thick using a PC and waiting to long it can be difficult to remove.Second AIO removed the oils and fillers from your previous polishing steps and you may have hazed the paint with #83 and didn`t remove it completely with the #9.If it`s AIO stuck to your paint you can go over it by hand with AIO and wipe it off with a MF before it dries completely this would remove the previous AIO if that`s the case.Or you could go over your hood with a isa/water 50/50 mix,wipe on wipe off.If your paint is still cloudy go over it again with #9 to remove the haze.

08-19-2004, 08:11 PM
04BlackAV makes a good point about the AIO removing the fillers from #9, thus uncovering the haze left by #83.

Or, it could be the AIO. I`ve found that AIO can look a bit cloudy when applied in high humidity. The cloudiness usually disappears after a day. The AIO just needs to cure a bit.

Have no worries... :)


08-19-2004, 09:56 PM
What pad did you use to apply AIO and roughly how much did you use per section/panel/whatever anyway?

08-19-2004, 10:29 PM
My first time detailing, I just applied AIO & SG. AIO went on very easy using my pc, nice and easy coming off too. I had no problems with plastic or rubber. It did great on all the windows, I am very pleased. The SG is another story, I tried using the pc and my mf polishing bonnets, but I either applied it to heavy or buffed it to long, showed some minor streaking if looked at the right angle under strong lighting. I then switched and finished up by hand. This worked out real good, it taught me to use very, very little. I have never experienced applying sealant (or wax) this thin, when you say use just a nickle or dime sized drop for a 2`X2` area you mean it. Using quarter size, causes it to haze or makes it hard to remove because it dries out to quckly before you have a chance to buff it out. I applied it so thin that it was hard to tell I was apllying any at all, very slight haze, but as soon as you buffed it out you could tell it`s there. Even using the correct amount will haze if you dab it on the paint from the pad, I had to squeeze the pad arount the SG before applying to the paint. It`s the little things that make a huge difference. She`s looking good now, can`t wait until the weekend to try another layer, after SG X 2, I have some Pinnacle to complete my project. I`ll post some pictures after all is said and done. Thanks to everyone for the great advice from previous posts!
