View Full Version : Question about wheel care/construction

08-19-2004, 09:38 AM
I was cleaning/waxing the wheels on our vehicles these past couple of days when I noticed something interesting (to me) about the way all the wheels on our vehicles were constructed. I know a lot of people on this forum remove their wheels to clean them but this was my first time doing so and I noticed that on all the wheels only the outer surface painted or chromed. The backs of the wheels seem to be simply bare machined metal. I used BMW`s wheel cleaner to clean them and then coated the wheels with WheelWax.

My first question was if anyone could confirm that this is the way the majority of OEM wheels are constructed? Second, I was wondering if waxing the back of the wheels is necessary on wheel constructed like this. Also I used WheelWax on one wheel that I had not cleaned and it almost instantly lifted all the wheel dust spots on the wheels, should I be concerned with its strength in long term use? And my final question, does anyone use Plexus on their wheels instead of wax, a friend who was in the USAF said this is what they use on just about every surface on the jets and it really keeps things from sticking.

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance.

08-19-2004, 09:32 PM
I don`t know about most wheels, but on both my OEM and new (but "cheap") wheels the insides seem to be painted, but roughly finished.

I still waxed the insides of my new wheels, but someday I`d like to polish it a bit smoother. Not too much though, since who knows how thick the paint is back there....

I wouldn`t worry about the WheelWax. I haven`t used it, but it probably has some mild cleaners (solvents/abrasives) in it, just like cleaner waxes.

Not too sure about the Plexus... you could try it and see, but some regular waxes/sealants seem to work well too.